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Geeko place on SecondLife
Ladies & Gentlemen, months after the first virtual party [1][2][3] organized for 11.4 launch,
Françoise (aka Morgane Marquis) and myself (tigerfoot) organize 3 new parties on SecondLife [4] to welcome and fest our next release openSUSE 12.1, coming around the 11.11.11.
- Three virtual great Saturday: October 22th, November 12th and December 10th.
- From 6 to 8am Australian DJ Ariella is back again.
- From 9 to 11am (SL time : utc-9) we will have the pleasure to listen American DJ Esquivel.
You should take this opportunity to try Second Life, creating an avatar, coming to dance and drinking some beers with us at Geekos Place.