darix asked me to implement a new feature (and to blog about it 🙂 ) to review requests interactively. How it works:
osc request show <request id> –interactive. Example:
marcus@linux:~> osc rq show 32152 –interactive
Request #32152:
submit: home:Marcus_H/bar(r1)(update) -> home:Marcus_H/foo
foo bar
State: new 2010-02-11T02:40:20 Marcus_H
Comment: None
d(i)ff/(a)ccept/(d)ecline/(r)evoke/(c)ancel > a -m “reviewed and accepted”
If you just specified “a” or “d” or “r” osc will run $EDITOR to enter a message. To enable this interactive mode permanently add “request_show_interactive = 1” to the “[general]” section in your ~/.oscrc.
Comments, feature requests etc. are always welcome.
Both comments and pings are currently closed.
what about introducing a new subcommand instead of adding options to ‘show’? e.g. osc request review $ID?
Yes that might be possible too but “osc request review…” is already used to change the “review state” of a request.
no, ‘review’ is an alias for ‘request’. a misfeature imo
Hmm it’s just a “misleading” help text. You can also set a request into a “review” state. This means that someone/some group is reviewing the request and others cannot accept/decline etc. this request while it’s in the review state (e.g. you have to run “osc review accept/decline “). But this review stuff isn’t completely implemented in osc yet (I don’t know why). It still misses a command to set the request’s state to “review” (you can do this manually via curl “https://api.opensuse.org/request/32197?cmd=addreview&by_user=Marcus_H” -d “some comment”).