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Archive for April 29th, 2015

yast-fonts got user mode

April 29th, 2015 by

as I promised in fonts @ openSUSE, I have given per user yast-fonts setting a try in the last hackweek.


The user setting is built on the top of distribution setting the same way as system setting is in system mode. See help of the module for more details.

With some exceptions, setting in ~/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf should have a precedence over yast-fonts setting. But anyway, I would not combine yast-fonts user mode with other user font setting tools.

This also required to add user support to fonts-config. yast-fonts 3.1.13 and fonts-config 20150424 are on its way to Tumbleweed. User mode is experimental these days, we will see if it is viable.

Ever wanted to be a Dj with open source touch?

April 29th, 2015 by

There are plenty of Dj software available on Internet. Most popular I think are Traktor and VirtualDJ. Those are no brainier to choose and don’t support Linux. Because I’m old fart and I started doing my dang long time a go with Technics vinyl-players (and still play my gigs with them). They work as they have always worked great but I though that I need new geeky Dj system with digital vinyls because many interesting release doesn’t do vinyls anymore and I don’t like CD-format. Summarizing all of that I wanted something that what is open source and I can still attach my digital vinyls to it (so it should work with Serato or Traktor vinyls).