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Proprietary AMD/ATI Catalyst fglrx 15.12 rpms released for LEAP 42.2

October 15th, 2016 by


There’s no warranties the drivers will work, for you!

If you are satisfied with the open-source radeon drivers, don’t risk to break your computer !

Still there will NEVER be a fglrx driver for recent kernel and xorg. So if one of those component change in Leap fglrx will be broken.

Actual situation

Since last december, AMD doesn’t published any update about fglrx so the version is still the 15.12.302 published. A few days ago our beloved Leap release manager Ludwig ask me by email, if there will be an available drivers for Leap 42.2.

Today, after hacking a bit the last Sebastian Siebert’s script I’ve been able to build the drivers for Leap 42.2 RC1, and the driver install fine, and xorg start on my HD5750 (but that’s all what I can tell).

I will rebuild the driver once Leap 42.2 will hit its final stage.


zypper ar -cfg -n FGLRX http://geeko.ioda.net/mirror/amd-fglrx/openSUSE_Leap_42.2/ FLGRX

zypper -v refresh -f FGLRX

zypper -v install fglrx64_amdcccle_SUSE422 fglrx64_core_SUSE422 fglrx64_graphics_SUSE422  fglrx64_opencl_SUSE422 fglrx64_xpic_SUSE422


AMD has stopped any development for FGLRX, so it is already considered obsolete. But on the other side they make a lot of effort to bring radeon and amdgpu (the free and open source driver) to a decent performance level.

I don’t have that much usage anymore of my AMD gpu powered computer, and my HD5750 is now 8 years old already, so I can’t promise to be able to follow up with changes.


I removed all the obsoletes packages letting only the last one for each openSUSE version still available. Also the server has no more copy of openSUSE github artwork. If this missing to someone, don’t hesitate to ask.

Have fun

Reducing YaST rebuild time by 30%

October 11th, 2016 by

Here comes the YaST team again trying to flood your aggregator with blog post! Now it’s time for the story of how we reduced the critical path of the rebuild time of YaST RPM packages from 42min 2s to 29min 40s.

Chapter 1: where to optimize

Of course, the first step to start fixing something is finding out what exactly needs to be fixed. In our case, this breaks down into

  1. knowing the dependencies, and
  2. knowing the individual build times.


It is tempting to figure out the dependencies by yourself, by parsing the spec files. But it is hard to do right, and, more importantly, a reinvention of the wheel. The Build Service must know all this to be able to schedule the builds, and provides a convenient way to access it, with osc dependson:

$ osc dependson YaST:Head openSUSE_Factory x86_64
yast2-x11 :
yast2-xml :
yast2-ycp-ui-bindings :

Individual build times

For each source package, the Build Service produces not only binary RPMs but also a _statistics file, available in the web UI or via osc getbinaries. We were interested in the total build time, although the data was of limited use because packages can be built on machines with vastly different power and this information is not included.

Chapter 2: how to optimize

Once we knew which screws needed to be tightened, it was time to do it. Fortunately we had more than one tool for the job.

Stop using Autotools

Autotools (automake, autoconf and configure) took up a majority of the time needed for building YaST packages. Now that most of those packages are written in pure Ruby, we don’t need autotools there checking for portability problems that we don’t have. Autotools are a leftover from the times 15 years back when they were the only sensible option. We have wiped them out where possible and have been switching to our own set of Rake tasks.

Stub the APIs used in tests

We run a mixture of unit and integration tests at RPM build time. The downside of this is that we pull in many of the run time dependencies. Fortunately Ruby is a dynamic language and makes it easy to replace interfaces by stubs. That enables us to cut those dependencies.

In fact, we also have some Perl code, notably in yast2-users. Although the stubbing techniques across languages are messier than with pure ruby, they are still effective for our purposes.

Do not build specialized documentation

This one is simple: if the development documentation is only useful for people that will check out the git repo anyway, then leave it out from the RPM.

Appendix: the details

Enough of high-level explanations, we we promised you graphs, code and all kind of gory details, and a promise made is a debt unpaid. So there we go.

Dependency graphs

A picture is worth a thousand words. That’s why we came up with this small tool to generate a graphical representation of the dependencies of the YaST packages. In the resulting graphs displayed below, a node is a source package in the build service, and an arrow means “needs for its build”. Redundant arrows are omitted (that is, we’ve erased an A→C if both A→B and B→C existed).

We can see that the most prominent conclusion is that there is a large number of packages that depend on yast2, a collection of basic libraries.

But on top of that, in the original graph there are 6 more layers, and the graph is not very dense there. After our fixes, there are only 4 layers that are more dense.

Is worth mentioning that the “layer” concept only works if the packages take roughly the same time to build; it would not be helpful if there were huge variations. To get a more accurate picture, we should have generated a histogram of build times. But the graph was good enough in our scenario… and we had to stop the analysis at some point. 🙂

The build dependency graph before our fixes:

YaST dependencies graph (before)

The build dependency graph after our fixes:

YaST dependencies graph (after)

Build statistics

If those graph are not geeky enough for you, here you are the detailed build statistics from the build service

      <size unit="M">1118</size>
    <usage>      <size unit="M">580</size> </usage>
    <total>      <time unit="s">756</time> </total>         <!-- THIS -->
    <preinstall> <time unit="s">8</time>   </preinstall>
    <install>    <time unit="s">72</time>  </install>
    <main>       <time unit="s">555</time> </main>
    <download>   <time unit="s">4</time>   </download>
    <size unit="k">33564</size>


This was definitely an interesting journey. We learned quite some things. Specially we learned that there is still room for improvement, but most likely the time reduction will not pay off for the time invested implementing those improvements.

We have to be realistic and keep working in other interesting stuff to fuel the next sprint report, coming next week!

Improving low-vision accessibility of the installer

October 7th, 2016 by

In our latest report, we promised you would not have to wait another three weeks to hear (or read) from us. And here we are again, but not with any of the anticipated topics (build time reduction and Euruko 2016), but with a call for help in a topic that could really make a difference for (open)SUSE.

Nowadays, YaST team is trying to fix a long-standing issue in the installer: low-vision accessibility. In the past, a user could get a high-contrast mode just pressing shift+F4 during installation. Unfortunately, that feature does not work anymore and, to be honest, changing to a high-contrast palette is not enough. Other adjustments, like setting better font sizes, should be taken into account.

Another option is to use the textmode installation and set some obscure variable (Y2NCURSES_COLOR_THEME) to get the high-contrast mode. But it sounds like the opposite to user friendly.

Some days ago, the team fired up the discussion in the opensuse-factory mailing list but we would like to reach as many people as we can to gather information and feedback about this topic. Getting some affected people involved in the process would be really awesome!

For the time being we’re already working on some improvements:

  • Adding a Linuxrc option so the user can set the high-contrast mode from the very beginning.
  • Fixing shift+F4 support.
  • Improving the high-contrast mode appearance. Below you can see a screenshot of the work in progress.

First prototype of the new high contrast mode

But we would like to hear from you. You can raise your voice in the already mentioned thread at the opensuse-factory mailing list or leave a comment in the related pull request at Github. If you prefer to have a chat, we’re also available on the #yast IRC channel at Freenode… and we love to see people there. 😉

Please, join us to make YaST even better!

Atualizando o Edison Intel no openSUSE

October 3rd, 2016 by

Neste post, disponibilizo os passos efetuados para atualizar o firmware do meu Intel Edison na plataforma openSUSE.

ATENÇÃO: Antes de iniciar deixo claro , que o leitor deste post é responsável por qualquer problema que venha a acontecer com o seu aparelho, logo: sendo de sua inteira responsabilidade e risco a utilização das instruções a seguir.

Primeiramente instale o pacote

# zypper addrepo http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:cabelo:desktop/openSUSE_Leap_42.1/home:cabelo:desktop.repo
# zypper refresh
# zypper install dfu-util

Faça o Download da ultima versão do firmware em https://software.intel.com/pt-br/iot/hardware/edison/downloads

Posicione a chave SW1 próxima ao conector micro USB de acordo com a figura abaixo e plugue os 2 cabos USB:


E logo a seguir descompacte o arquivo recém baixado e execute o comando ./flashall.sh


Se executar o comando sudo screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200, teremos a seguinte saida no console:

Starting Reboot…

WR: 20104000

SCU IPC: 0x800000d0 0xfffce92c

PSH miaHOB version: TNG.B0.VVBD.0000000c

microkernel built 23:15:13 Apr 24 2014

******* PSH loader *******
PCM page cache size = 192 KB
Cache Constraint = 0 Pages
Arming IPC driver ..
Adding page store pool ..
PagestoreAddr(IMR Start Address) = 0x04899000
pageStoreSize(IMR Size) = 0x00080000

*** Ready to receive application ***

U-Boot 2014.04 (Aug 20 2014 – 16:08:32)

Watchdog enabled
DRAM: 980.6 MiB
MMC: tangier_sdhci: 0
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
Partitioning already done…
Flashing already done…
GADGET DRIVER: usb_dnl_dfu
DFU complete CRC32: 0x3756edb6
Ctrl+C to exit …
DFU complete CRC32: 0x3756edb6
Ctrl+C to exit …
DFU complete CRC32: 0x6ad212b0
Ctrl+C to exit …
DFU complete CRC32: 0xe511e42b
Ctrl+C to exit …
DFU complete CRC32: 0xe511e42b
Ctrl+C to exit …
resetting …

WR: 20104000
SCU IPC: 0x800000d0 0xfffce92c
PSH miaHOB version: TNG.B0.VVBD.0000000c
microkernel built 11:24:08 Feb 5 2015

******* PSH loader *******
PCM page cache size = 192 KB
Cache Constraint = 0 Pages
Arming IPC driver ..
Adding page store pool ..
PagestoreAddr(IMR Start Address) = 0x04899000
pageStoreSize(IMR Size) = 0x00080000

*** Ready to receive application ***
U-Boot 2014.04 (Jun 19 2015 – 12:05:55)
Watchdog enabled
DRAM: 980.6 MiB
MMC: tangier_sdhci: 0
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
Writing to redundant MMC(0)… done
Writing to MMC(0)… done
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
Partitioning using GPT
Writing GPT: success!
Saving Environment to MMC…
Writing to redundant MMC(0)… done
Flashing already done…
GADGET DRIVER: usb_dnl_dfu
DFU complete CRC32: 0xb98db2f8
Ctrl+C to exit …
pageStoreSize(IMR Size) = 0x00080000

*** Ready to receive application ***
U-Boot 2014.04 (Jun 19 2015 – 12:05:55)
Watchdog enabled
DRAM: 980.6 MiB
MMC: tangier_sdhci: 0
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
Writing to redundant MMC(0)… done
Writing to MMC(0)… done
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
Partitioning using GPT
Writing GPT: success!
Saving Environment to MMC…
Writing to redundant MMC(0)… done
Flashing already done…
GADGET DRIVER: usb_dnl_dfu
DFU complete CRC32: 0xb98db2f8
Ctrl+C to exit …
pageStoreSize(IMR Size) = 0x00080000

*** Ready to receive application ***

U-Boot 2014.04 (Jun 19 2015 – 12:05:55)

Watchdog enabled
DRAM: 980.6 MiB
MMC: tangier_sdhci: 0
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
Writing to redundant MMC(0)… done
Writing to MMC(0)… done
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
Partitioning using GPT
Writing GPT: success!
Saving Environment to MMC…
Writing to redundant MMC(0)… done
Flashing already done…
GADGET DRIVER: usb_dnl_dfu
DFU complete CRC32: 0xb98db2f8
Ctrl+C to exit …

******* PSH loader *******
PCM page cache size = 192 KB
Cache Constraint = 0 Pages
Arming IPC driver ..
Adding page store pool ..
PagestoreAddr(IMR Start Address) = 0x04899000
pageStoreSize(IMR Size) = 0x00080000

*** Ready to receive application ***
U-Boot 2014.04 (Jun 19 2015 – 12:05:55)
Watchdog enabled
DRAM: 980.6 MiB
MMC: tangier_sdhci: 0
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
Writing to redundant MMC(0)… done
Writing to MMC(0)… done
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
Partitioning using GPT
Writing GPT: success!
Saving Environment to MMC…
Writing to redundant MMC(0)… done
Flashing already done…
GADGET DRIVER: usb_dnl_dfu
DFU complete CRC32: 0xb98db2f8
Ctrl+C to exit …

Se tudo funcionou corretamente, teremos a seguinte tela:


Highlights of YaST development sprint 25

September 28th, 2016 by

Another development sprint is over. Time flies! In our previous post we already reported about the branching of Tumbleweed and the upcoming releases and about the expected consequences: the landing of some cool features in a less conservative Tumbleweed.

We are still dedicating quite some effort to polish the upcoming stable releases (SLE12-SP2 and Leap 42.2), but in this sprint we finally found some time to play. Which is great because blogging about new features is more fun than doing it about bug fixes. 🙂

Importing Authorized Keys with AutoYaST

When logging in via SSH, public key authentication should be preferred over password authentication. Until now, the best way of setting up the required authorized_keys files in AutoYaST was using the files section.

However, that approach is tedious and error prone, as you need to make sure you set the correct owner, permissions, etc. Moreover you need to keep in sync the user definition (username and home directory) with the file definition.

AutoYaST now supports the specification of a set of public keys for each user with a pretty straightforward syntax:

  <authorized_keys config:type="list">
    <listentry>ssh-rsa your-public-key-1</listentry>
    <listentry>ssh-rsa your-public-key-2</listentry>

AutoYaST takes care of writing the files and setting the ownership and the proper permissions.

While documenting this new feature we realized the AutoYaST documentation about users management could be more detailed, which leads us to…

Improving the documentation

Usually developers love to create programs loaded with cool features but hate to write documentation. Fortunately there are people out there who enjoy writing documentation and bringing all those features to light. We have already mentioned in previous reports how grateful we are for having the SUSE documentation team polishing and publishing our documentation drafts and how open and straightforward the process is.

We updated the YaST documentation to include information about the installer self-update feature, which will debut in SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 SP2 and openSUSE Leap 42.2. As part of the same pull request and in the AutoYaST side, some additional improvements were made, including cleaning-up some duplicated information about SUSE registration.

On the other hand and as a consequence of the above mentioned new feature, the AutoYaST documentation regarding users management has been rewritten adding missing information like groups, user defaults and login settings.

All our pull requests are already merged in the doc-sle repository. At a later point in time, the SUSE documentation team will review and polish all the new content (including ours) and will publish an up-to-date version of the online documentation. If you don’t want to wait, you can easily generate an HTML or PDF version of the documentation including all the non-reviewed contributions just following the very simple instructions in the README file of the doc-sle repository.

Did we already mention we love the open source, programmer-friendly processes of the documentation team? 😉

Storage reimplementation: something you can touch

We promised news about the storage reimplementation and here they are. Our customized Tumbleweed image (labeled as NewStorage) in the storage-ng OBS repository can now perform some simple actions during installation and display the result to the user.

First of all, when proposing the timezone settings it will, as usual, check for MS Windows installations in the disk to guess if the hardware clock should be set to UTC. The news is that check is performed using the new storage stack, that offers more functionality in every sprint.

More important is that the installer will show the partitioning proposal calculated also using the new stack. As you can see in the screenshot below, the screen is way more simpler than the one you would find in a regular Tumbleweed. There are no buttons to change the settings or to run the expert partitioner yet. That doesn’t mean the functionality is not there, it’s simply that we prefer to focus first on modifying all the installer steps to use the new stack (what will enable us to use openQA) before refining every screen to add all options there.

The new partitioning proposal

Right now the system works only in disks containing a MS-DOS style partition table and will always propose a partition-based (no LVM) setup. That’s because we prefer to solve the hardest scenarios first. Using LVM and/or GPT partition tables is less challenging than the already supported scenario.

Reduce global warming by saving OBS build power

As you may know, we use the awesome Open Build Service (OBS) to generate both the YaST rpm packages and the openSUSE/SLE ISO images. Every time the source code of any component changes, OBS rebuilds that component and all the packages that depend on it.

Our beloved openSUSE and SLE release managers told us that there were several YaST packages that often triggered rebuild of other YaST packages, that triggered yet another rebuild, that triggered… you got the idea. 😉

The mentioned problem slows down the creation of new ISO images, interferes with the continuous integration process (specially visible in Tumbleweed) and wastes valuable OBS resources.

During this sprint we reduced the rebuild time of YaST by 30%. That’s for sure interesting, but knowing the details about how we did it could be even more interesting for many readers. We feared the explanation could be too complex and technical to fit into this report… which gives us just another opportunity for blogging. So expect an upcoming post including interesting technical stuff and crazy graphs like this one.

YaST dependencies graph

Some adjustment for the installer in the LiveCDs

One of the good things about working in open source is that sometimes the evolution of the projects you have created can surprise you. Quite some time ago, the YaST team dropped support for the live installer. It was simply too demanding to keep it alive while still doing our regular work (bug fixes and new features for YaST and the regular installer).

Recently the live installer was removed from Tumbleweed, the only system in which it was still available (after having been dropped in the past from stable openSUSE releases). One could have expected that somebody would decide then to step up and take the maintainership of the live installer.

But what actually happened was that Fabian Vogt decided to try a different approach we haven’t considered – adding the standard network installer to the LiveCDs images of Tumbleweed. He managed to make it work well enough and asked us for help to debug some problems. We fixed the initial problems by disabling the self-update functionality in the LiveCDs (it’s simply not designed to work on that scenario).

There are still quite some problems to be resolved to make everything work flawlessly, but if Fabian and others don’t give up, we will keep assisting them in order to bring the installation back to the LiveCDs… even in unexpected ways.

UI Designer

The YaST user interface is quite difficult to design and code. The main problem is that there is was no interactive UI designer where you could build a dialog or modify an existing one. Instead, you had to write new code or modify the existing code which creates and opens the dialog. Then, to see your changes you had to start the YaST module, go to the respective dialog and check its content. If it didn’t look like you intended, you had to close it, modify the code and start it again. And again… and again. Very annoying especially if the dialog is hidden deep in the module and you need to take several steps to get there.

During Hack Week 14, a project to improve the situation a bit was started. We already had a dialog spy which can be opened by Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Y keyboard shortcut, but that was read-only. You could only inspect the dialog tree and see the details of the selected widget but you could not change anything.

During that Hack Week project it was improved so it could edit the properties of the existing widgets, remove them or even add some new widgets. However the code was more or less a proof of concept than ready to be merged into the YaST UI and released to public. So we decided to finish it in this sprint.

As usual, it was harder than expected… but we made it and here is a short demo showing how it works and what you can do there:

The new UI designer in action

The new tool is still far from being perfect. The most obvious missing feature is that the dialog is changed in place and you cannot save or export you changes. After closing the dialog everything is lost. But it can still help to try things in the UI or make a quick prototype, specially when discussing solutions with interface designers. Hopefully we find some more time in the future to make it even better.

Storage reimplementation: encryption support

Although the partitioning proposal still does not support encryption or LVM, we implemented full LUKS (encryption) support in the underlying library (libstorage-ng). Together with the LVM support implemented in the previous sprint, that makes the new library already a valid replacement for the old libstorage in many situations and scenarios. Now it’s mainly a matter of switching from one version to another in every single YaST component, starting with the expert partitioner that we plan to start redesigning in the next sprint.

As usual, new features in the library are hard to illustrate, unless you accept the action diagrams as screenshots. In that case, here you can see the sequence of actions performed by the library when creating an encrypted home volume.

Creation of an encrypted home with libstorage-ng

Syncing keyboard layouts and console fonts in Leap and Tumbleweed

In parallel to our Scrum sprints, we have been for some time steady working, together with the openSUSE maintainers of X.Org and systemd, in redesigning how keyboard maps and console fonts are managed by YaST. Some changes were introduced in Tumbleweed some time ago but never made it to SLE (or Leap) because they needed more testing.

Recently Ludwig Nussel, the Leap’s release manager, decided that he wanted to sync 42.2 with Tumbleweed in that regard, using the new approach instead of the more conservative SLE one. Thus, we also invested quite some time coordinating again with Stefan Dirsch (X.Org) and Franck Bui (systemd) to push the changes just in time for the beta2 version of Leap 42.2… just in time to introduce bug#1000565, that was honored with its inclusion in the list of most annoying bugs in 42.2 Beta2.

The bright side is that a fix for the bug has already been provided (see bug report) and you can now finally test the new fonts and keyboard maps. Please, do so and provide feedback in order to get a properly localized Leap 42.2 release.

See you soon

As usual, this post was just a quick overview of the most interesting part of the sprint, because most people (including ourselves) don’t want to read about the boring part of the work, which is mainly fixing bugs.

The good news is that this time you will not have to wait another three weeks to read interesting stuff about YaST. As mentioned, we plan to publish a blog post about the reduction of the build time of YaST. And we will probably also publish a post about the visit of a YaST geecko to Euruko 2016.

So this time more than ever… stay tuned!

Highlights of YaST development sprint 24

September 7th, 2016 by

We are back to this blog after another three weeks of (mainly) bug-fixing. In the previous post we promised some news about the self-update functionality and about the LVM support in the new storage stack. We have that… and much more!

So this will be a long post, but it also hides some gems. You will have to keep reading in order to find them.

Self-update improvements

We have already mentioned in several previous reports the new self-update feature in YaST, which allows updating the installer itself before performing installation of the system.

But it turned out that the initial implementation had an important drawback. The self-update process happened after having performed some of the installation steps. Then, after updating the installer it was restarted and several of those steps lost their configuration or simply did their operations twice.

After some discussions we decided to move the self-update step earlier, at the very beginning. For downloading the updates we basically need just working network connection and initialized package management. So we moved the self-update step after the initial automatic network setup (DHCP) and added package initialization to the self-update step.

The self-update in action

As you can see the self-update step is the very first step in the installation workflow, the language selection and the EULA dialog is displayed after the self update is finished and YaST is restarted. That means all the following steps do not need to remember their state as they will not be called twice after the restart.

The disadvantage is that we had to drop some features. The self-update step happens before the language selection and the optional disk activation. That means by default the self-update progress (and potential error messages) will be displayed in English. But you can still use the “language” boot option and set the language manually via linuxrc.

On the bright side, we fixed like half a dozen of reported bugs just by relocating the self-update process. So we are pretty sure it’s worth the price.

For more details see the updated documentation.

Gem one: using the info boot parameter

The info boot parameter is a pretty old linuxrc option but it is probably not known well. The parameter is an URL which points to a text file which can contain more boot options.

When we tested the updated self-update described above we needed to build a driver update disk and pass several boot options. To avoid repeating the same options on the boot command line and to share the boot options across the team we created an info.txt file with content like


Then you simply boot the installation with info=ftp://example.com/info.txt and linuxrc will read the additional parameters from the file. This can save you a lot of typing, especially if you need to repeat the tests many times.

Fixed a security bug for 7 (yes, seven) different SLE releases

Some weeks ago, during a routine code review, our security experts found a vulnerability in YaST’s libstorage related to the way we provide the encryption passwords to some external commands. It is debatable how dangerous this threat really is. It was never a problem during system installation, but it would affect admins who create encrypted partitions (mostly encrypted LVM physical volumes) or crypto files in the installed system.

A potential attacker with access to /tmp could intercept the password in the very precise moment in which the “cryptsetup” or “losetup” command are invoked by YaST. It’s really only a matter of milliseconds. But we don’t want to take any risks, however small they may be.

So not only did we fix that for the current code streams, we backported it to all the SLE releases out there that are still supported (even though in some cases it’s just a single customer) – back to SLES-10 SP3 from late 2009. That meant backporting the fix to no less than 7 SLE releases (for Leap, those fixes are picked automatically).

As you can imagine, this got more difficult the farther back in history we went: In a central library like libstorage, things are constantly changing because the tools and environment (kernel, udev, you name it) are constantly changing. There was only a single case where the patch applied cleanly; in all other cases, it involved massive manual work (including testing, of course).

Was this fun? No, it certainly was not. It was a tedious and most frustrating experience. Do we owe it to our users (paying customers as well as community users) to fix security problems, however theoretical they are? Yes, of course. That’s why we do those things.

Storage reimplementation: every LVM piece in its place

As time permits, we keep adding new features to the future libstorage replacement. During previous sprints we added support to read and manipulate all kinds of LVM block devices (PVs, VGs and LVs) but an important aspect was missing: deciding the order of the operations is as important as performing them. We instructed the library about the dependencies between operations and implemented several automated test cases to ensure we don’t try to do not-so-smart things like removing a physical volume from a volume group and shrinking its logical volumes afterwards.

The good thing about our automated test-cases is that they generate nice graph that are quite useful to illustrate blog posts. 🙂

One of the several added test-cases

Gem two: enjoy Google Summer of Code result

As you may know, openSUSE is one of the Free Software organizations selected to take part in Google Summer of Code 2016. For YaST that means we had the huge pleasure of having Joaquín Yeray as student. You can know more about him and his experience diving into YaST and Open Source in his GSoC blog.

But the openSUSE community is not only gaining a new member, we also have a new YaST module. The yast2-alternatives package has already been accepted into Tumbleweed and will be also part of Leap 42.2. So we have a new gadget in our beloved configuration Swiss Army knife!

We liked Joaquín and his module so much that we are revamping the YaST development tutorial to be based on his module (instead of yast2-journal). He is already working on that, so hopefully we will have Joaquín around quite some time still. 😉

Unify license handling screens

We got a report about the license agreement screen in automatic installation (AutoYaST) being different to the one showed during common installation. So we decided to take a look to the problem and unify them. We are in a quite late phase of the development process of both the next SLE and the next Leap, so we decided to not unify the code but simply adapt one dialog to look like the other. Also we are after string freeze due to translations, so we had to use a trick and reuse another already translated text. We also took the opportunity to fix some small usability problems.

This is one of those cases in which some images are worth a thousand words, so in order to understand what we did, take a look at the description of this pull request, which includes many images (too many for this blog post).

The new AutoYaST license screen

Smarter check to avoid duplicated repositories

The openSUSE software server defines the online repositories which can be added during installation. The openSUSE DVD also specifies its own online repositories that are always added to the system. And these repositories overlap.

In openSUSE 42.1 it happened that one repository was added twice, even though there was already a check to avoid that. So we investigated why.

We found that the URLs for the problematic repository were not exactly the same, one of them had a trailing slash. Therefore we made the URL comparison more tolerant and if the URLs differ only by the trailing slash, they are still considered the same.

After the fix all repositories are added only once, without any duplicates.

Gem three: we are looking for new teammates!

After 12 sprint reports, most readers would have already realized that the life as a full-time YaST developer is everything but boring… and that we are always pretty busy. The fun and the work are better when you share them so… we are looking for a new hero to join us in our journey.

Even if you don’t feel hacking in YaST would be your thing, maybe you are interested in any of the other jobs at SUSE.

Improved documentation about YaST environment variables

The behaviour of YaST can be affected by several environment variables, but not all of them are well known by everybody. During this sprint we also decided to invest some time documenting them better. The resulting document will be soon properly integrated in our centralized documentation for developers, but you can sneak it already here.

Branching Tumbleweed and the upcoming stable releases

Most of the features and bug-fixes we have blogged about in the last months were incorporated to Tumbleweed, the upcoming Leap 42.2 and the future SLE 12-SP2, since we always try to keep those three codebases as close as possible to each other.

Now Leap 42.2 and SLE 12-SP2 are close enough to their release date, so we plan to be more conservative with the changes. At the end of this sprint we decided to branch the code for Tumbleweed and for the stable siblings. From now on, most exciting stuff will appear only in Tumbleweed, with SLE 12-SP2 and Leap 42.2 becoming more and more boring.

And the wheel keeps on turning

So that was a very minimal selection of the most interesting stuff from the just finished sprint. What comes next? Another sprint, of course! We have already planned some interesting stuff for it, like integrating the new partitioning proposal into the installer or finishing the ultra-cool UI designer that was started during latest Hack Week.

As always, you can follow development in a daily basis in the usual channels (#yast IRC channel and the yast-devel mailing list) or wait another three weeks for the next sprint report. Meanwhile… have a lot of fun!

Highlights of YaST development sprint 23

August 18th, 2016 by

As already mentioned in our previous blog post, with Leap 42.2 in Alpha phase and SLE12-SP2 in Beta phase, the YaST Team is concentrating the firepower in fixing bugs in the installer. We fixed more than 40 bugs in three weeks! The dark side is that most bug fixes are not juicy enough for writing a blog post… but there is always some interesting stuff to report.

Integration of installer self-update with SCC and SMT

The installer self-update feature integrates now with SUSE Customer Center (SCC) and Subscription Management Tool (SMT) servers. Until now, there were three different mechanisms to get the URL of the installer updates repository:

  • User defined (using the `SelfUpdate` boot option).
  • Using an AutoYaST profile.
  • The default one, specified in the `control.xml` which is shipped in the media.

Now YaST2 is able to ask for the repository URL to SCC/SMT servers. The details of how the URL is determined are documented in the repository.

Fixes and enhanced usability in dialogs with timeout

As you may know, it’s possible to install (open)SUSE in an automatic, even completely unattended, basis using AutoYaST. AutoYaST can be configured to display custom configuration dialogs to the user and wait for the reply a certain amount of time before automatically selecting the default options. Until now, the only way for the user to stop that countdown was to start editing some of the fields in the dialog.

We got a bug report because that functionality was not working exactly as expected in some cases so, in addition to fixing the problem, we decided to revamp the user interface a little bit to improve usability. Now there are more user interactions that are taken into account to stop the counter, specially we added a new “stop” button displaying the remaining seconds. You can see an example of the result below.

New layout for dialogs with timeout

Following, as usual, the Boy Scout Rule we also took the opportunity to add automated tests to make that part of YaST more robust for the future.

Automatically integrating add-on repositories during installation

Sometimes you want to extend the regular installation media by adding just a few extra packages or provide a number of fixed packages along with the media.

For this purpose, the installer can automatically register an add-on repository. All you have to do is to put the repository on the installation medium and to add a file /add_on_products.xml that points to this repository.

The file looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<add_on_products xmlns="http://www.suse.com/1.0/yast2ns"
    <product_items config:type="list">
            <name>My Add-on</name>
            <priority config:type="integer">70</priority>
            <ask_user config:type="boolean">false</ask_user>
            <selected config:type="boolean">true</selected>
            <check_name config:type="boolean">false</check_name>

You can define the following elements:

  • <name> is the name of your repository
  • <url> points the the repository location; you’ll likely want to use the relurl scheme here that gives the location relative to the main installation repository
  • <priority> is the repository priority (lesser number means higher priority, the main installation repository has priority 99)
  • <ask_user>: should the user be asked about adding the repository?
  • <selected>: should the repository be automatically selected?
  • <check_name>: should the repository’s actual name be matched against the value of the <name> element?

You can of course list several repositories in this file.

If you’re too lazy to remember all this, mksusecd can do all this for you.

For example, if you have a set of new kernel packages you would like to use, do:

mksusecd --create new.iso --addon kernel-*.rpm --addon-name 'my kernel' sles12-sp2.iso

This creates a new iso based on sles12-sp2.iso that will install your new kernel packages instead.

Storage reimplementation: small steps for the code, giant leap for continuous integration

During bug squashing we managed to find some time to keep the storage stack reimplementation rolling… slow and steady. The customized Tumbleweed images (labeled as NewStorage) in the storage-ng OBS repository are already able to analyze most systems, creating a representation of the system storage devices in memory that will be used to manipulate the disks and propose a partitioning schema. Unfortunately, this representation is only visible in the YaST logs since fixing installer bugs was more urgent than representing that information in the UI.

This turned to be an important milestone, not because of the functionality itself or the value of the code (we just added a couple of lines of Ruby code), but because for the first time the dependencies in some packages were switched from libstorage to libstorage-ng. That had important implications for the code organization and for our continuous integration infrastructure, specially the Travis CI integration, which implies the generation of .deb packages. We can now say that our continuous delivery workflow (from Github to OBS, passing through Jenkins, Travis, Coveralls and Code Climate) is free of any trace of the old storage code.

In addition, we also did some good progress in LVM support in the new library, being able to recognize and manipulate in memory all kind of LVM structures.

The joy of openness: updating the SUSE Linux Enterprise documentation

An important part of our job, specially as a new release date approaches, is helping to shape the SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE) documentation. One of the strongest points of SUSE products is the awesome SUSE’s documentation team which, as the rest of the company, have open source in their genes. Suggesting improvements and updates for the documentation is as straightforward as creating a pull request in the completely open documentation repository at Github… and anybody can do it!

The documentation team uses Docbook, but they would accept contributions in other formats (e.g. Markdown) and transform it themselves into Docbook… just because they are that cool. 🙂

Better support for ARM systems using EFI

The world is getting full of cool ARM64 devices and both SUSE and openSUSE are actively working in supporting as many of them as possible. We took another small step during this sprint improving the installer’s partitioning proposal for ARM systems that use EFI.

That’s not all, folks

As we always say, this was just the small portion of the work done that we consider exciting enough to be part of our development reports, since we don’t want to bore you with details about every single fixed bug. During this installer bug-fixing phase, this is more true than ever and the next sprint, which is already planned, will be similar to this in that regard. Nevertheless, in the next report we expect to have some interesting news about the installer self-update functionality and about the LVM support in the new storage stack. Stay tuned.

Live USB improvements

August 14th, 2016 by

Tools to create multi distribution bootable USB stick got couple of new improvements and features.

live-usb-gui now offers choice of scripts to use, depending in your need you can either use live-fat-stick with vfat partitioned stick or live-grub-stick script which works with any partition format supported by grub2 including vfat, must be used if you have iso bigger than 4G.


Result of openSUSE.Asia Summit 2016 Logo Contest

August 11th, 2016 by








We are happy to announce that Ramadoni Ashudi design from Indonesia is selected as official logo for openSUSE.Asia Summit 2016 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. As the winner Ramadoni Ashudi will receive a “magic box” from the committee.
Ramadoni Ashudi submit two designs and his design-2 selected by 28 voters. His design depicts his version of Tugu Yogyakarta, a monument built by Sultan Hamengkubuwono I, the first King of Yogyakarta in 1755.
Ana Maria Martinez from Spain also submit her version of Tugu Yogyakarta and selected by 17 voters on the 2nd place.
On the 3rd place, Shawhong Ser from Thailand submit a design that showing Arjuna character from Wayang Kulit, a traditional Javanese shadow puppet. Arjuna is the 3rd Pandava Brothers from Mahabharata. It is selected by 9 voters.

Total of voters = 65
Ramadoni Ashudi-2 = 28
Ana Maria Martinez = 17
Shawhong Ser =  9
Aris Winardi =  4
Ramadoni Ashudi-1 =  4
Kukuh Syafaat =  3
Danang Aji Bimantoro-1 =  0
Danang Aji Bimantoro-2 =  0

The complete result can be seen on the contest web page

Congratulation to Ramadoni, and many thanks and appreciation to Ana, Aris, Danang, Kukuh, Shawhong  for your participation in this contest.

Have fun.

Highlights of YaST development sprint 22

July 27th, 2016 by

openSUSE Conference’16, Hackweek 14 and the various SUSE internal workshops are over. So it’s time for the YaST team to go back to usual three-weeks-long development sprints… and with new sprints come new public reports!

With Leap 42.2 in Alpha phase and SLE12-SP2 in Beta phase our focus is on bugs fixing, so we don’t have as much fancy stuff to show in this report. Still, here you are some bits you could find interesting.

Installer memory consumption reduced

For our SLE customers we promise installations on machines with as little as 512MB of RAM. For Tumbleweed, 1GB is required – so the situation is more relaxed there.

But look at the total size of filesystem images that must be kept in memory during installation: 176MB for SLE12 (Tumbleweed: 224MB). This is leaving not much room to run programs.

The size has grown considerably over time, and we had to look for places to save space. We came up with some major areas for improvement.

The initrd and the installation system (the file system image containing the installer) share many files (mainly libraries). By removing any overlap, we were able to reduce the image size by 17MB for SLE12 (Tumbleweed: 30MB).

After the package installation starts, kernel modules and some raw libzypp cache data are no longer needed. By deleting zypp data we save another 3MB and kernel modules occupy even 29MB in SLE12 (Tumbleweed: 50MB). But we do this only on systems with less than 1GB memory.

So, compared to the available 512MB, these savings are quite substantial and will hopefully keep us going for a while…

Storage reimplementation: another step to an installable system

It’s time for our reimplementation of the storage layer to prove it can do the real work. Thus, we have integrated the new code in a set of modified Tumbleweed ISO images automatically generated in OBS. They cannot still be used to install a system, but the installer is already able to boot and reach the language selection screen (the first milestone we were aiming for).

We already had code that works in a simulated test environment (unit tests) and now we have a way to use that code in a real installer. Stay tuned for exciting news!

Make many extensions fit on the screen properly

For SUSE Linux Enterprise we offer so many optional modules that their listing did not fit on lower resolution screens. Below you can see how the screen looked before the fix – checkbox widgets and their labels do not fit so their bottoms are cropped.

Old interface with cropped extensions

We have to make sure YaST works across different interfaces, including text-based ncurses. That limits the set of widgets we can use when designing interfaces, so finding a solution to that kind of problems is not always easy. We also took the opportunity to add a filter for beta extensions, as you can see in the following screenshot.

The beta extensions filter in action

And finally you can see how it looks like with all the extensions, including beta ones. Instead of cropping elements we now have a scroll-bar in the right.

The new extensions UI in all its glory

Storage reimplementation: LVM unit testing

The next step in the storage layer reimplementation is adding support for LVM, since right now only regular partitions are supported. We always write a lot of unit tests to make sure the different pieces work in isolation before integrating everything together into the installer. During this sprint we created all the infrastructure for testing LVM at such level. Armed with that, we can start writing reliable code to handle LVM (something we have already started to do).

Improved patterns handling for system roles

We recently introduced the concept of system roles during installation. The chosen role affects the selection of package patterns. But we realized that the roles were not completely overriding the default selection of packages. Before the fix introduced in this sprint, desktop related patterns were included for a KVM server role and, thus, the systemd target was graphical.

The KVM Server role before the fix

Now, only the 3 patterns explicitly intended for the KVM role are selected, with no desktop related patterns. Accordingly, the system boots to text mode.

Fixed KVM Server role

Storage reimplementation: the future of booting

We have explained in several previous posts how we are collaborating with Grub and hardware architecture experts to make sure the new storage layer makes always sensible partitioning proposals. For that purpose RSpec has proven to be an excellent tool. It does not only allow us to have full unit test coverage or our code, but also the generated output has become the perfect base to discuss the expected behavior of the system in every possible scenario.

During this sprint, we spent quite some time together with SUSE’s Grub genius Michael Chang defining the best possible partitioning schema in x86 architectures. Once we had a human-readable and non-ambiguous specification, we modified our code to make sure the associated RSpec tests generated exactly the same specification as output. This way we make sure that our code works and that it fits 100% the experts expectations.

Kudos to Michael for his infinite patience with our questions and for coming up with an innovative way of using Grub2 that will allow us to boot in many tricky scenarios, eliminating the need of introducing a separate /boot in almost all cases.


As said, most of the sprint was invested in chasing bugs… and we don’t expect next sprint to be different in that regard. Even though, we hope this post to contain enough new stuff to keep you entertained and informed about what is going on in the YaST trenches.

See you in three weeks!