So last time I was on top of Curl and what problems can come out when you are using it through out different distributions. After that struggle UnReal World RPG have been ported to SDL2. It’s used by Steam so it should we available every distribution you can dream of. How wrong I can be and how correct I am! (more…)
Archive for the ‘’ Category
UnReal World RPG and propiertary applications in linux ecosystem part SDL2
November 14th, 2014 by Tuukka PasanenUnReal World RPG and propiertary applications in linux ecosystem
October 24th, 2014 by Tuukka PasanenWhile ago new version 3.19 of UnReal World RPG was released. It was very smooth release in my part. Everything was working as expected. Packages were build to several platforms that were planned. Those platforms were Ubuntu 10.04, 12.04, 14.04 and openSUSE 12.2,12.3,13.1 all there packages build from openSUSE 13.1 base distribution. Nobody found nothing to complain about binary packages before someone launched them on Arch distribution. (more…)
Birdfont fonteditor for the rest of us
September 12th, 2014 by Tuukka PasanenHave you ever dreamed making your own unique font set. You get on it and seek for decent cheap or open source alternatives for making Truetype fonts and probably you find at least Fontforge. You are very happy and make you mind I’ll do my fonts with Fontforge. After a while you realize Fontforge is a Swiss army knife for making fonts in open source but you just wanted to create TTF, EOT or SVG font set. Weep no more you can use Birdfont. (more…)
Javascript tools in openSUSE round 2: js-beautify
August 18th, 2014 by Tuukka PasanenI’ve been talking about how code construction is necessary to your coding project. With Javascript obfuscation or making code shine is more important than ever. There will be many many eyes looking at your code and see if it’s worth of nothing. After getting friend with js-beautify there ain’t no excuse to keep you ugly looking code laying around. (more…)
Javascript tools in openSUSE round 1: JSHint
July 2nd, 2014 by Tuukka PasanenNode.js is not getting as much attention in openSUSE community as it’s gaining foot in development world. Node.js is not just fancy buzz word that I just to be couple years back. There is plethora of libraries and tools that you can use for Node.js development or web-coding. I have been in this Nnode.js dependency hell (ok you can use npm if you like but if you like to make RPM-files you are in trouble) for a while but now I figured out most troubles and start using new tools! I copied most Node.js packaging stuff from Fedora as like Java Javascript is first class citizen of their ecosystem. I also added packages that were missing and updated and added and updated. (more…)
Have some fun… patch your kernel
May 28th, 2014 by Tuukka PasanenOn this point you should have compiled your own Linux kernel. Get it up and running with your hardware but what’s the catch with all of this? Why on earth I want to have this much trouble with my operating system when I can write highly popular fiction with DOS and Wordstar? (more…)
Have some fun today… try your new kernel
April 30th, 2014 by Tuukka PasanenLast blog was about how to compile openSUSE kernel from GIT. Now we see how to get it up and running in your system. Again word of warning: Changing kernel is always bit of a hardcore trick! Even if it comes from trusted and tested binary from openSUSE (sorry I’m server admin). If you do it by yourself then you are also on your own if your machine won’t boot anymore! (more…)
Have some fun today… compile kernel
April 15th, 2014 by Tuukka PasanenAre you bored or seeking something to do? Do you want to do something that your friends will call just waste of time but it is so highly nerdy and most cool? Do you want to know what makes openSUSE or Linux in general tick? (more…)
Emscripten and openSUSE: Hands on.. Hands up!
March 24th, 2014 by Tuukka Pasanen
I can code with javascript and I’m fairly good at it (not marvelous just brialiant!). If you have read some of my resent blog post I think in C/C++/Perl or Bash. I also have some kind of a hobby to help out with UnReal world RPG game. Mostly my part is to make it work with *nix platform (mainly Linux and Mac OS X).
As we have seen world is moving fast forward towards web. It’s the-place-to-be for everyone. There is huge potential for players just wandering around and yelling for pleasure to play UrW! So I thought let’s see if we could port SDL to javascript/Flash or something straight from same source. after tiny amount of searching I popped up Emscripten. (more…)
Is my server alive and how good is my connection
March 10th, 2014 by Tuukka PasanenIf you have time to setup real solution and need something reliable test Zabbix ( Zabbix is wonderful all in one solutions for monitoring network and your hosts (servers). If you are in need of knowing how good you Internet/(W)LAN connections is then things are getting complicated. (more…)