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Archive for 2009

New Layout in Town

September 17th, 2009 by

Creating a new (book) layout is both challenging and fun. On the one side you have to observe different parameters like legibility, simplicity, and aesthetic. On the other side, you can play with fonts, margins, styles and all the other great things in typography and design! 🙂

It’s the first time for the Start-Up Guide to get a new layout after some years. The result is the new, so called, pocket layout.


openSUSE Edu Li-f-e goes hybrid

September 16th, 2009 by

I am happy to announce that the very first working hybrid iso of openSUSE Education Li-f-e DVD created on openSUSE Build Service is now available for testing.

openSUSE-LXDE Live CD 1.0.0

September 13th, 2009 by

After lots of test i’m ready to release a new openSUSE-LXDE live CD

Here the change log:

Fix: Lxpanel will "flash" no more (workaround, removed battery applet from panel,
     this applet make lxpanel crash if no battery is found on laptop)
Fix: Added wireless-tools, usbtools, acpid
Fix: Added iwl*-ucode packages (intel wireless cards now working)
Fix: Ath_pci and ath5k conflicts no more (ath5k in blacklist)

Feature: Added Trash support
Feature: Added bluetooth support
Feature: Added "sudo"
Feature: Added "gdb" to help in debugging if crash occurs on LXDE applications
Feature: Added "fuse" and "ntfs-3g"
Feature: Added "rdesktop"

I hope you will enjoy that new release.

Before show you some shots, i would like to attract your attention on a feature i open on openFATE and that is also on the weekly news #88

That features asks to provide LXDE into OSS repo, and to made that installable from DVD media like XFCE.

Please add you vote: Feature Request: #307729: Officially Provide LXDE

Any way, going back to the live, you can download 1.0.0 and 0.9.4 releases from that URL:


MD5 and SHA1 sums are available on that page, a very very BIG thank to  Fisher Duan for hosting.

Again please report any issue on my email: andrea[at]opensuse[dot]org

Please notice how “free -m” on lxterminal show that the REAL used ram is just 67MB with the following running applications:

1) Firefox 3.5.2
2) PCManFM
3) Lxterminal
4) Lxtask

Build Service Intro

September 13th, 2009 by

I stumbled upon a little series of articles at the LinuxFoundation Developer Network explaining the openSUSE Build Service.

The articles are:

Ben Martin gives a short overview of the Build Service and then explains step by step how to build a binary package. If you’re interested in building binary packages, I advise to read his articles.

11.2 64 bit and mp3

September 12th, 2009 by

Now that 11.2 gets closer and closer to the rc status being able to play mp3 becomes important in order to make the testing experience even nicer.

Here is my workaround to get that mp3 working in amarok. I do not know about the dvd’s as the only one that I own is to boring to use it for testing purposes

wget http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/11.1/repo/oss/suse/x86_64/libcdio7-0.80-5.30.x86_64.rpm
zypper in file:<Path-to>libcdio7-0.80-5.30.x86_64.rpm
wget http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/11.1/repo/oss/suse/x86_64/libiso9660-5-0.80-5.30.x86_64.rpm
zypper in file:<Path-to>libiso9660-5-0.80-5.30.x86_64.rpm
wget http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/11.1/repo/oss/suse/x86_64/libMagickCore1-
zypper in file:<Path-to>libMagickCore1-
wget http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/11.1/repo/oss/suse/x86_64/libMagickWand1-
zypper in file:<Path-to>libMagickWand1-
zypper in libxine1-codecs

So as you can see I just use the missing libs from 11.1.Of course I assumed that you added the 11.1 packman to your repos already.

LXDE: LXDM and Trash support

September 12th, 2009 by

Some cool news for any LXDE users.

The first one, LXDE developers finally started to develop their own Display Manager, that means that soon we’ll need no more the very heavy GDM or the no more developed SLIM.

That new DM is called (as you can think) LXDM and svn snapshot are now available in my home:anubisg1:LXDE repo,  as soon it will be stable enought  i’ll move it into X11:lxde.

(more info about LXDM available here: http://blog.lxde.org/?p=531

SLIM itself has been improved with a couple of patches and the logotrate support.

The second cool thing is a nice patch i got from a Slackware developer, it add trash support using the python trash-cli based on freedesktop.org standards.  PCManFM with trash support is alread yavilable into X11:lxde and home:anubisg1:LXDE repos.

Some screenshots here:

Please consider that home:anubisg1:LXDE needs to be considered a development only repo. I experiment in my repo, and only when i think the changes are stable enought than i’ll move the into OFFICIAL X11:lxde repo.

Enlightenment live CD/USB – progress report

September 12th, 2009 by

Ladies and Gents,
we’re glad to announce that SOAD Linux 3.2.1 is out and available for download.

This is a bugfix release mostly. Please read the changelog:

Active mirrors are updated weekly, starting from Monday:

We do need your feedback about “Ecomorph” – some kind of auto configuration script is already managed (no manual adjustments are required before launch), but looks like some important parameters/values are still missed unfortunately. Already collected several “White Screen Compiz Bug” reports from owners of NVIDIA GPU’s and just wish to collect some more to get the reason how to improve it. Right now (for LiveCD/LiveUSB) “Ecomorph” should work with the modern NVIDIA (drivers already in) and with other video cards, where “Compiz” is supported by a current “Mesa”/(current Xorg drivers). The case here is to tweak some values to be sure that things could work “out from the box”.
Example: if we’re building/installing NVIDIA drivers manually from official *.run.sh – everything is just fine. If we’re using the “packaged” rpm’s with the same drivers – “White Screen” could happen with “Ecomorph”.

As a sweet eye-candy the work for “Restoration of a GANT iconset” has been started – hope you like it. Current status – a bit more then Alpha, works, but feedback is highly appreciated.

Soon we’re planning to update our Enlightenment repositories up to the current E-svn. QA is in progress. Unfortunately bleeding-edje svn code is not always stable enough :).


openSUSE Core Test Team Established

September 11th, 2009 by

Our call to apply for the openSUSE Core Test Team end of July attract a great deal of attention. So we got applications from nearly 50 members out of the openSUSE community, much more than expected.

Caused by that large number of offers to move testing of openSUSE forward, we decided to increase the number of members for the new openSUSE Core Test Team from 15 to 25. A number that enables even more areas to be covered by the openSUSE Core Test Team.

Six weeks later – with the release of Milestone 7 of openSUSE 11.2 – the team is formed and already started his work to ensure that openSUSE will also be a rock-solid Linux distro in the future. First discussion about prioritizing tasks is already started and members of the team are planing their first real time meeting on IRC.

Software Freedom Day Italy (Perugia)

September 10th, 2009 by

As last year FSUGitalia, with “Regione Umbria” support , and with the collaboration of ITC “A. Capitini – Vittorio Emanuele II” and  OSSpg (http://www.osspg.net ) is working to organize the Software Freedom Day.


Software Freedom Day (SFD) is a worldwide celebration of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). Our goal in this celebration is to educate the worldwide public about of the benefits of using high quality FOSS in education, in government, at home, and in business — in short, everywhere! The non-profit company Software Freedom International coordinates SFD at a global level, providing support, giveaways and a point of collaboration, but volunteer teams around the world organize the local SFD events to impact their own communities.

This year all the Italian openSUSE Ambassadors will be there:

Andrea Florio Italy Puglia, Brindisi Anubisg1
Mariano Iumiento Italy Roma Miumiento
Alexjan Carraturo Italy Milano, Arezzo Axjslack

We hope to see you there!

Universal Go-oo 3.1.1 build available

September 8th, 2009 by

I am happy to announce that the universal Go-oo 3.1.1 build is available for Linux (i586, x86_64) and MAC OSX Intel. See also download and installation instructions. The builds include many upstream and Go-oo fixes.

Go-oo team hopes that you will be happy with this release. Though, any software contains bugs and we kindly ask you to report them, so that we could fix them in the future releases. Also you could send feedback to the ooo-build@lists.freedesktop.org mailing list or contact us on irc.freenode.net, channel #go-oo.

The following OOo-3.2 release should be available in the end of November.

PS: I feel a bit schizophrenic. I want to blog about the openSUSE builds at planetsuse and about the universal build at planet.go-oo. Both builds are based on the same sources, so the schedule is almost the same. We only do more alpha and beta builds for openSUSE because it is so easy with the Build Service.