Hello everyone, and welcome to this week’s edition of OpenSUSE PostgreSQL news!
-The first news for this week is Simon Riggs’ announcement of “CHAR(10)” a short conference on PostgreSQL high availability techniques, including :
“* Clustering
* High Availability
* Replication
as well as
* caching
* scalability
* synchronous replication
* cloud deployment
* parallel databases
Conference covers all the latest tech in PostgreSQL 9.0 and related projects, with 14 speakers from US, Europe and Japan.
Visit http://www.char10.org/ to book and/or pay online
Or contact char10@2ndQuadrant.com”
-As it seems this week’s news are scarce with tech news, and more announcements, here goes Jason Dixon’s announcement of Surge, the Scalability and Performance Conference, “to be held in Baltimore on Sept 30 and Oct 1, 2010. The event focuses on case studies that demonstrate successes (and failures) in Web applications and Internet architectures.
Robert Treat will be presenting one of his PostgreSQL talks at Surge, and our Keynote speakers include John Allspaw and Theo Schlossnagle. We are currently accepting submissions for the Call For Papers through July 9th. You can find more information, including our current list of speakers, online:
If you’ve been to Velocity, or wanted to but couldn’t afford it, then Surge is just what you’ve been waiting for. For more information, including CFP, sponsorship of the event, or participating as an exhibitor, please contact us at surge@omniti.com.”
-Kevin Grittner announced on hackers@ the call for a reviewfest, announced as follows : “Folks, The PostgreSQL 9.1 Development Plan: http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/PostgreSQL_9.1_Development_Plan calls for a ReviewFest to run from the 15th of June (tomorrow) until the start of the first CommitFest for the 9.1 release. The idea is that those with time available to contribute beyond what they can usefully contribute to getting 9.0 released can help provide feedback on patches submitted so far, to lighten the load of the CF proper when it starts. I have agreed to manage this RF.
Of course, we also need reviewers. I do want to emphasize that we *don’t* want this process to impact the release of 9.0; it is in the best interest of everyone that 9.0 is tested, stable, and released as soon as practicable. Please think hard about whether there is some testing or review you could do to facilitate the 9.0 release effort, and only participate in this RF to the extent that it doesn’t detract from the other effort.
Also, in testing these patches, be alert to any problems in the *before* version — you may find 9.0 issues in the process of attempting to test these patches, and such issues, if found, should take priority. If you find a possible 9.0 issue, please set aside efforts to review the patch until you have pursued the preexisting issue.
This is essentially being treated as an early start on the 2010-07 CF, so that is where the process will be managed: https://commitfest.postgresql.org/action/commitfest_view?id=6
Note that we don’t expect any commits for these patches to happen until after the 9.0 stable branch is created and committers are done with their 9.0 release efforts, most likely some time after the 2010-07 CF is officially in progress. Also, we probably won’t be bumping many patches to “returned with feedback” status during the RF; the apparent work required would need to be more than could reasonably be expected to be completed for the CF.
Before signing up, please review these pages, to get an idea what’s involved:
On the lighter side:
Please send me an email (without copying the list) if you are available to review; feel free to include any information that might be helpful in assigning you an appropriate patch.”
-Speaking of announcements, David E. Wheeler announced the launch of the PGXN development project : “PGXN, the PostgreSQL Extension Network, is modelled on CPAN, the Perl community’s archive of “all things Perl.” PGXN will provide four major pieces of infrastructure to the PostgreSQL community:
* An upload and distribution infrastructure for extension developers
* A centralized index and API of distribution metadata
* A website for searching extensions and perusing their documentation
* A command-line client for downloading, testing, and installing extensions
We have started the fundraising phase of the project now. Thanks to founding sponsors myYearbook.com and PostgreSQL Experts, Inc., we’re already 2/5 of the way to our goal. Complete details of the project — including the specification, implementation plan, and fundraising FAQ — are on the site.”
-In the non-mailing-lists news, this week we have Simon Riggs’ article on planet.potgresql.org titled “Smoothing replication”, Bruce Momijan talks about “The magic of hot steaming replication”, which you may wanna read here – http://momjian.us/main/presentations/technical.html#hot_streaming.
-The main title of this week’s PostgreSQL Weekly News is the release of 9.0 beta2. In other news, pgnotifyd v. 0.1, PostgreSQL local and the usual list of patches.
-This is your latest PostgreSQL Weekly News … see ya next week!