what do you need when you write some text? Content, of course. Apart from your content you need an additional part to make it a shiny contribution: fonts! If you don’t know already: we have now a new repository dedicated just to fonts.
With the invaluable work and effort from Petr Gajdos, Takashi Iwai, and all the creative designers, we now have more than 100 open source fonts in the M17N:fonts repository. Most fonts are licensed under the OFL or other open/free licenses. Thanks a lot to all! This repository contains fonts like the previously mentioned Exo typeface, the famous Linux Libertine, or fonts from the Google Webfonts page to name a few. With all these fonts available at your hand, you have many choices to make your text readable and attractive as you like, be it on the Web or in print.
Previous to openSUSE 12.1, all the fonts had a terrible naming convention: some contained a “fonts” prefix, other don’t. Now all fonts follow a naming convention to make it easy to find. So don’t be surprised when your font package has been renamed. If you need further information, check out my original idea from FATE#313035. Packagers will probably find the article about Packaging Fonts in the openSUSE Wiki helpful.
The new M17N:fonts repository collects all fonts now and in the future. New fonts will appear and developed there. To use it, add the repository to your list:
zypper ar http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/M17N:/fonts/openSUSE_12.1/M17N:fonts.repo
Currently, the supported distributions are openSUSE 11.4, 12.1, Evergreen 11.1, 11.2, Factory, Tumbleweed, as well as SLE11 SP1 and SP2.
Have fun and be creative with the new fonts! 🙂
Both comments and pings are currently closed.
#download fonts from http://www.dafont.com
echo “To Download type number”
echo “Retro – 115”
echo “Fancy Initials – 116”
echo “Grid – 117”
echo “Russian – 205”
echo “Medieval – 401”
echo “Gothic Initials – 404”
echo “Sans serif – 501”
echo “Serif – 502”
echo “Fixed width – 503”
echo “Calligraphy – 601”
echo “Ancient – 704”
echo “Shapes – 710”
echo “Bar Code – 711”
echo “Nature – 712”
echo “Sport – 713”
echo “Logos – 717”
echo “Music – 720”
echo “VariousD – 721”
read n
echo “Wait downloading….”
mkdir dafonts/$n
#сваля инфо
lynx -dump $URL > l.html
#показва линковете за страниците
cat l.html | awk “/${n}/&&/page/”|awk ‘!/null/ {print $2}’ |uniq |sort -u >> pages.txt
#сваляне на всички страниците
cat pages.txt|while read url;do lynx -dump “${url}” >> l.html;done
#от 1 страница
cat l.html | awk ‘/img/||/dl/’|sort -u |awk ‘!/demo/ {print $2}’ >> fonts.txt
wget –content-disposition -qci fonts.txt -P ~/dafonts/$n
f=`cat l.html|head -22|tail -2|cut -d\> -f2`
cd ~/dafonts
mv $n $f
cd $f
b=`ls |wc -l`
echo ” $b fonts downloaded ”
cd ~/
rm fonts.txt l.html pages.txt