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Official X11:lxde project now open! We need you!

July 13th, 2009 by

Thanks to Pavol Rusnak, the official project X11:lxde is now open, first packages are already there available for testing, but, some of them just fail because of code and security checks, we need some patches than, before provide you the best packages you can imagine for that DE.


if any of you want to help us providing patches and various fixing you are welcome, and of course you can begin using OBS collaboration way: http://en.opensuse.org/Build_Service/Collaboration

A fast review of the problems we have are available on that post into LXDE forum.

Right now than, if you want to use LXDE you should continue to follow instructions provided on my previous blog post here

Waiting for you and you help


Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment, A.K.A. LXDE

July 11th, 2009 by

Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment“, is an extremely faster, performing and energy saving desktop environment. It comes with a beautiful interface, multi-language support, standard keyboard short cuts and additional features like tabbed file browsing. LXDE uses less CPU and less RAM the other DE. It is especially designed for cloud computers with low hardware specifications like netbooks, mobile devices (e.g. MIDs) or older computers. It provides a fast desktop experience connecting easily with applications in the cloud. LXDE supports a wealth of programs. The source code of LXDE is licensed partly under the terms of the General Public License and partly under the LGPL.


Menage Skype and Facebook with Pidgin

December 27th, 2008 by

Hi folks, Merry xmas to everybody…

i have a greate news for all pidgin lovers…

yes! you red well… i packaged two pidgin plugins that allow to to use pidgin fro skype and facebook chat!

don’t beleive me? here some pictures:



really nice eh? and it’s really easy to install and use! all packages you need are on my repository home:anubisg1 lots of you know it because of pidgin upstream version without the need to add GNOME repositories.

All you need to use it are skype4pidgin and pidgin-facebookchat packages. Once you install them you have to set-up your account… let me show you how.

On “add account” windows you’ll see 3 other protocols: facebook, skype, skype (D-BUS), choose the one you want as i did here:

now, if you choose facebook plugin, you simpy have to accept login.facebook.com SSL certificate and then you are ready to go. like here:

if you want to use skype plugin instead, right now you still need skype to installed and run…

On you first skype login using pidgin, you have to allow pidgin to connect skype like here:

that’s all.. you can now do anything you do with skype/facebook with pidgin too, you may want to know, that right now, the skype plugin directly use skype to start audio/video calls, because it is not able to do it..

Have fun with it.


oh i forgot.. here links to the plugins home pages:



openSUSE-Education success history : OpenSource ECDL in Milan

November 29th, 2008 by

As i annunced on marketing mailing list this 21 November, in Milan (italy) as been presentated the OpenSource ECDL version.

Yes, your red well… OPEN-SOURCE. That means, instead talk about MS Windows and MS Office, it talk about an opensource Operating System and OpenOffice.org. This free operating system is openSUSE 😉 , improved with our Education Project. I was not in Milan, because if i have to say the true i was out of money, i live 1000 Km far, and i i wasn’t able to buy train ticket 🙁 . Mr. Carugo , the DIDASCA Rector told me about a “SOLD OUT”, 650 peoples in a room where only 500 was allowed… so.. a GREAT DAY!! Oh, i forgot.. Thanks to marketing team that sent me 50 Promo DVDs. Thanks

KIWI-LTSP at the Brindisi’s Linux-Day (Italy)

October 26th, 2008 by

Yesterday, 25 October, ILS (Italian Linux Society) and italian LUGs (Linux User Groups) had organized Linux Day. A day, where we spread words about Linux

Me and my LUG (BriLUG – Brindisi Linux User Group) worked to it, on my City (Brindisi indeed).

Here some photos:

me with suse gadgets

in particular, in the morning i talked about GnuPG keys.

The evening was an “installation party” where i presented KIWI-LTSP to teachers and schools representatives.

(same child plays with openSUSE-edu on LTSP laptops)

The project likes and infact, the press talked about it to. (check second colomn)

A great Day isn’t it?

(all photos will be available on BriLUG website)


HOW TO: Remove the annoying KDE error “kio_media_mounthelper” when unmounting usb device

September 6th, 2008 by

With KDE3 and with some usb sticks or drives, could happen that if you try to safely remove them, with the classic right click –> safely remove, you’ll get an error from kio_media_mounthelper.

The error say that: The device was correctly unmounted but couldn’t be ejected

This is only a really annoying warn because the media has been unmounted so we can safely remove it, but how can we remove that?

I found the fix on Mandriva bugzilla (bug #39762)

The solution is really easy, is infact enought download that script (kdeeject)

Once the script has been downloaded do the following as root:

chmod +x kdeeject
mv kdeeject /opt/kde3/bin/kdeeject

now we will get that warn no more!

Just for knowledge, that script ask to hal if the device could be ejected, if not the media is only unmounted, if yes it is ejected too.

I hopes that to be usefull for lots.

Andrea 😉

Get Read/Write support to external NTFS Hard Drives

August 21st, 2008 by

Hi Lizards, that’s my first post here! 🙂 so… Thanks for reading!

Well let’s start.

I Red lots of times that users have problems with NTFS usb hard drives. Of course i’m talking about read/write support and ntfs-3g.

Touch and works with /etc/fstab is not a nice idea, also because device name could change and a static mount point will be unusefull.

The solution is to write an hal rule. In this case, all we need is the following:

With you favourite editor create like root that file:


and past in it that lines:

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- -*- SGML -*- -->
   Allow read/write mounting of external NTFS devices with ntfs-3g.
<deviceinfo version="0.2">
    <match key="volume.fstype" string="ntfs">
      <match key="@block.storage_device:storage.hotpluggable" bool="true">
          <merge key="volume.fstype" type="string">ntfs-3g</merge>
          <merge key="volume.policy.mount_filesystem" type="string">ntfs-3g</merge>
          <append key="volume.mount.valid_options" type="strlist">locale=</append>

than restart, as root, hal daemon with

hald restart

to make changes working.

If you want you could use my ntfs-3g package on my home repository


it is always the last stable ntfs-3g released (right now is 1.2812) and include also the hal rule wrote before.

I hopes that to be usefull for lots.

Andrea 🙂