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Archive for the ‘Artwork’ Category

LXDE: LXDM and Trash support

September 12th, 2009 by

Some cool news for any LXDE users.

The first one, LXDE developers finally started to develop their own Display Manager, that means that soon we’ll need no more the very heavy GDM or the no more developed SLIM.

That new DM is called (as you can think) LXDM and svn snapshot are now available in my home:anubisg1:LXDE repo,  as soon it will be stable enought  i’ll move it into X11:lxde.

(more info about LXDM available here: http://blog.lxde.org/?p=531

SLIM itself has been improved with a couple of patches and the logotrate support.

The second cool thing is a nice patch i got from a Slackware developer, it add trash support using the python trash-cli based on freedesktop.org standards.  PCManFM with trash support is alread yavilable into X11:lxde and home:anubisg1:LXDE repos.

Some screenshots here:

Please consider that home:anubisg1:LXDE needs to be considered a development only repo. I experiment in my repo, and only when i think the changes are stable enought than i’ll move the into OFFICIAL X11:lxde repo.

LXDE, working on “branding-openSUSE”!

July 17th, 2009 by

People that use my HOME project p,robably noticed lots of packages upgrades this days, they are most of all code fixing (to fix gcc post build checks) but some of them are also packages improvments, right now infact, lxde-settings-daemon result to be obsoletes and will be dropped soon from the repo.But excluding this “developers only” topics, you may be interested to know that i’m orking on “branding packages“. the first branding packages will be released today (or next week when i’ll be back from greece XD). The most important branding picture i need to create il the logout one:

As you can see, even if it’s wonderful, it like a punch in our eyes, we need a GREEN, suse based image. Please help me, i’m not so good with images. you can download the original logo from LXDE svn here. Any way, the image MUST be a 325×125 png file.

Feel free to post here progresses you made!


openSUSE-Edu: looks pretty too

May 30th, 2009 by

What has openSUSE-Edu project been up to these days?

More Live Images:

openSUSE-Edu team has been working hard to polish the various image “flavours”. The latest addition to the images is openSUSE-Edu-Desktop. This image contains the latest GNOME with many useful educational applications.

Samyak Bhuta, our designer came up with a new theme for this image, called “Classroom”. Click on the image below to see whole album and theme brief:

Sugared up openSUSE

David “Nubae” Van Assche, has been busy as a bee 😉 bringing most comprehensive Sugar suite to openSUSE, you can find Sugar, Fructose, Sucrose, Honey and all other sweet tooth  satisfying goodies in our repository. Try “Tam Tam Jam”, even grown ups will be whiling away hours having fun. Sugar can be installed on standard openSUSE 11.1 giving another session at login just as KDE/GNOME. Live CD is also under development, if you want to check out things to come get openSUSE-Sugar-live-unstable iso from here(mind the -unstable).

Here are the activities to look forward to enjoy with your children:

Thanks Nubae, Alsroot and all the Sugar developers for the great work.


We have KIWI-LTSP, easiest to run Linux Terminal Server based onthe latest LTSP5 and openSUSE’s KIWI imaging technology on openSUSE-Edu-Live-Li-f-e DVD. Just click on the icon on the desktop to get fully working LTSP server with tons of Education application, things can’t get simpler than that to set up a classroom running openSUSE in minutes 🙂

Future plans for openSUSE 11.2:

  • Integrate stgraber’s ltsp-cluster work, simple load balancing cluster is already supported, but is limited to small cluster of upto 5 servers
  • Jan weber is currently rewriting Easy-LTSP GUI for LTSP management in python, the idea is that now more distributions may feel comfortable including it getting all the benefits we have been enjoying for some time now. Watch out for the Easy-LTSP-ng, get the source if you would like to work on it.  Feedback, suggestions always welcome
  • Use new clicfs images for the NBD and AOE root

openSUSE-Edu Testing Team

We are forming a testing team to keep very high standards for all the applications shipped on openSUSE-Edu medias. Here is what you  need to join the party:

  • Fast net connection to download and test new images
  • Good bug reporting(fixing would be big advantage) skills
  • Lurk on IRC Freenode #opensuse-edu to squash bugs that can be fixed quickly

If you are interested add yourself to the list here:



The project will be represented at LinuxTag 2009, spotting the booth should be easy, there will be “Geeko” and people wearing cool openSUSE-Edu t-shirts 😉


Let’s make openSUSE-Edu the best Li-f-e experience.

New look openSUSE-Education

May 14th, 2009 by

This community week we got a couple of new contributors to openSUSE-Education project, we got artists to come up with new looks for live images.

One of the first theme is called Li-f-e(Linux for Education).

Education Desktop

Li-f-e theme consists of elements representing knowledge. Green background is selected to identify it with openSUSE colors. Pi is on the welcome screen. Two neon lines represent “strokes of brilliance”. openSUSE-Edu logo is rendered luminescent: spreading light of knowledege or acting as a beacon of learning. This theme is created by Samyak Bhuta. This theme is in openSUSE-Edu-KIWI-LTSP-live-unstable iso, get it to see it in action.

Complete screenshot set of the theme and more ideas are here: http://en.opensuse.org/Education/Live/Screenshots

On the side note, this is my first post on “lizards“, this would be my new blog, so update your feed bookmarks if you would like to keep updated about what I am sharing here.

Font: Lavoisier

February 11th, 2009 by

I’m very intersted in typography and as such also in fonts. Some days ago, I’ve found a very interesting sans-serif OpenType font, called Lavoisier. It is rather complete, with lots of characters, diacritics and other useful symbols.


YaST Qt4 Stylesheet Editor

December 23rd, 2008 by

YaST uses style.qss located in /usr/share/YaST2/theme/current/wizard by
default. If you want YaST to use a different style sheet (e.g. the style shown
while installation) you can set the $Y2STYLE environment variable:

Y2STYLE=installation.qss /sbin/yast2 disk

I’ve added a new hotkey to YaST which allows to modify the style sheet on
runtime. Pressing [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [Alt] + [S] in a YaST module opens the Stylesheet Editor. Now you can load a style sheet and modify its style rules.

Screenshot YaST Stylesheet Editor

The Stylesheet Editor can be very usefull when you want to design your own style for the YaST Qt4 UI.

This feature will be available in openSUSE 11.2. If you want to use it now all you need is yast2-qt version 2.18.2. You can find the latest version here:

Hackweek: Finished Lower Case Letters

August 29th, 2008 by

The lower case letters are finished now! Well, to be precise, they are drawn, but they still need some tweaking.

See here a rough picture:
TomsMono, Version 0.1

Download the SFD and OpenType file from my public webspace (could take some time to get synchronized).

What’s missing:

  • Some proportions should be corrected
  • Hinting needs to be improved
  • Digits
  • More characters
  • Bold, italic, and bold+italic versions of the font
  • And probably much, much more

Have fun! Feedback is always welcome! 🙂

Hackweek: Drawing the Lower Case Characters

August 28th, 2008 by

In my previous post, I talked about the majuscles. Now it’s time to implement the minuscles, or the lower case characters.

This time, I omitted the sketch and try to implement it directly in FontForge. I think, it worked pretty well, but judge it yourself:

First draft of the lower case characters

It’s a first draft. Of course, I have to adjust a lot of things. The font is far from finished or being perfect. 🙂

After this, I have to find a good name. Any suggestions? Robert thinks, Toms Mono is a funny name and I should keep it. 😉

Hackweek: Create a Condensed Monospace Font

August 27th, 2008 by

You see it every day, you normally don’t think about it, but it is nevertheless important: Fonts.

Obviously we need fonts to communicate with each other, especially in digital media. A whole industry create thousends of fonts for different task: for books, magazines, headlines, comics, funerals, weddings, and much, much more.

However, these fonts are not free and as such cost money. Unfortunately, in the past there was a lack of good looking, professional fonts. The situation nowadays are getter better and better as we have very promising open source fonts: DejaVu, Gentium, LinuxLibertine, to name a few. Without these, our world of characters would be very small and we would have a limited choice only. It’s a pity that all these beautiful fonts don’t have a condensed monospace version. This would be very useful, for example you can have more characters on a line and you don’t have to break them into pieces.

As I haven’t found a suitable font for me, I thought why not create one? Of course, I could have used one of the above, apply some transformations and be happy (or not). But this is not really creative, so I thought why not design something totally new? So I have chosen this project for Hackweek.

Let’s make it clear: It is really hard and nobody really know the time and sweat that goes into a font. To create a really good looking font it is really a challenge—and obviously not possible during Hackweek. But I think, to create something new and gain some experience, this can be a lot of fun. 🙂

So here is the rough procedure that I used for this font:

  1. Draw some sketches
  2. Scan it with a scanner
  3. Import the image into Fontforge into the background
  4. Rescale the image
  5. (Re)draw manually the lines, straight and curved. You could try to use a tool that automates this task, but the results were not very satisfying.
  6. Expand the lines and make the “flesh” of the glyph.
  7. Remove any overlaps
  8. Adjust the width, curve, etc.
  9. Make a print out, look at it, and repeat some of the steps…

As I learn more and more of FontForge, these tasks become (hopefully) easier. The font is similar to Dejavu Mono, but not identical. The result of all these steps is shown in this graphic (be warned, obscure text ahead):

Toms Mono

As you can see I have drawn the majuscules only. I will try to implement the minuscles and other characters too, at the latest of the next Hackweek. 😉

Funny, but jimmac is working also on a font too. Good luck to you! 🙂

I will publish the font when I think it is in a somehow useful state. It will be released under an open source license (probably Open Font License or GPL, I don’t know yet).

Feedback welcome! 🙂

Get your openSUSE posters! Posters for everyone!

June 25th, 2008 by

These three openSUSE posters have been up for a while, but I now have the SVG files up so people can edit them, add their LUG or openSUSE Local User Group name/logo & address to them, change the design, etc. They are up on the Miscellaneous Artwork page, so our community can use them for flyers, posters, or to spam their neighbor’s mailboxes*. Comments, questions, or suggestions about the posters? Use that comment box below, folks ;-).

*Neither Kevin Dupuy, the openSUSE Project, nor Geeko endorse plastering people’s mailboxes with a bunch of openSUSE flyers. Save the trees, use email instead ;-).