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Archive for the ‘Build Service’ Category

A New Font Repository

May 21st, 2012 by

what do you need when you write some text? Content, of course. Apart from your content you need an additional part to make it a shiny contribution: fonts! If you don’t know already: we have now a new repository dedicated just to fonts.


[gsoc] osc code cleanup – summary of week 11

August 8th, 2011 by


here’s a small summary of the 11th (coding) week. This week I spent
most of my time with working on the wc code.


  • project wc: added commit and update methods
  • lots of wc code refactoring


  • project wc: commit only specific files for a package instead of the
    complete package (the package wc class already supports this)
    (use case: osc ci pkg1/file pkg1/foo pkg2/bar pkg3)
  • convert old working copies to the new format
  • package wc: update: add support to specify stuff like “expand”, “linkrev”
  • project wc: add a revert method (to restore a package wc with state ‘!’)
  • project/package wc: support diff
  • package wc: implement a pull method (does the same as “osc pull”)


[gsoc] osc code cleanup – summary of week 10

August 1st, 2011 by


here’s a small summary of the 10th (coding) week. This week I spent
most of my time with working on the package working copy class’
commit method. This also involved some code refactoring.
Basically commit and update are handled as “transactions” and all
relevant transaction data is stored in a single xml file
(pkg/.osc/_transaction/state). This way an update/commit is more or
less an atomic operation.
For more information have a look at [1] (class XMLTransactionState
+ subclasses and commit/update method).


  • add update and commit methods for the project class


[1] https://gitorious.org/osc2/osc2/blobs/master/osc/wc/package.py

New namespace for KDE apps maintained by upstream

July 19th, 2011 by

After some discussion in #opensuse-kde, darix has created the KDE:Apps namespace for KDE apps maintained by their upstream, so that they can serve fresh packages for all distributions supported by the Build Service (which includes openSUSE, SUSE Linux Enterprise, Fedora, RHEL, Debian and Ubuntu).
As the first to join in, we warmly welcome the KMyMoney project!

Got questions? Feel free to contact the openSUSE/KDE Team on the mailing list opensuse-kde@opensuse.org or in IRC: #opensuse-kde (irc.freenode.net).

LXDE and gtk3

July 19th, 2011 by

GTK3 will slowly replace the “old” gtk2, and of course, if we don’t want to be left behind we have to move to gtk3 eventually.

Even if slowly (we need horse power! –> yes we need you too!!) LXDE is being ported too. Nothing has been released yet, but a good deal of work is actually into git repositories.

X11:lxde:gtk3 project

Thanks to openSUSE Build Service (public instance of the Open Build Service) we are currently able to get git code and build it auto-magically (thanks god you created obs _services 😀 )

Right now, only five packages don’t want to build with gtk3 and they are: gpicview, libfm, lxmusic, lxpanel, pcmanfm. Everything else builds fine. As a side note, lxdm gtk greeter build but seems to crasch.

Please test those packages and report in our mailing list or even better upstream your issues.

To conclude, right now i don’t feel comfortable to push into factory gtk3 packages, so 12.1 most probably will stuck with the well know stable gtk2 packages.

Also, i’m actually working to use obs, to provide gtk3 enabled git nightly build not only to openSUSE (actually only >= 11.4) but also to Fedora 15 (already building with many successful packages) and Ubuntu/Debian. So if you are .deb packagers, please let me know, i need your help. Contact me and the lxde team using our mailing list opensue-lxde@opensuse.org

Have a great day,


[gsoc] osc code cleanup – summary of week 8

July 17th, 2011 by


here’s a small summary of the 8th (coding) week. This week I spent
most of my time with rewriting the working copy code.

  • added support to add and delete packages
  • added some “abstractions” for the tracking file format:
    currently packages and files are tracked in a xml file
  • thought about the package update algorithm. Basically
    it’ll work like this (verfy simplified version):
    – perform update in a tmpdir (phase 1)
    – if the tmp update finished, copy/rename all files to
    the wc (phase 2)
    If the update is interrupted in phase 1 the wc wasn’t touched
    at all and nothing should be broken.
    If the update is interrupted in phase 2 the wc is _inconsistent_
    but a subsequent “update” call can resume the update and everything
    should be consistent afterwards (in this case only files are


  • implement update + commit algorithm

If everything works as expected most parts of working copy code
cleanup should be finished after this week.


[gsoc] osc code cleanup – summary of week 7

July 10th, 2011 by


here’s a small summary of the 7th (coding) week. This week I spent
most my time with the project and package classes which manage osc’s
working copies.


  • basic working copy layout
  • checks to detect broken/corrupt working copies
  • locking support (in order to lock a working copy (for instance when
    doing a commit or an update))


  • add “core” methods like update, commit, diff etc.
  • (auto-) repair methods (to fix broken working copies)


[gsoc] osc code cleanup – summary of week 6

July 4th, 2011 by


here’s a small summary of the 6th (coding) week. Unfortunately I had
to spent more time with university stuff than I expected – that’s why
I didn’t finish the complete todo for this week.
I did some code restructuring and started to work on the class for the
source route.
– rewrite the project and package working copy classes:

  • the new working copy format will be incompatible with the current
  • the basic layout will look like this:
    —> .osc/ (stores prj _and_ pkg metadata)
    —> pkg1
    #       |
    #        —> <files>

    —> pkgN
    #       |
    #        —> <files>
    So all metadata is stored in the prj/.osc dir instead of prj/pkg/.osc
    The advantage is that we can support a complete package
    “restore” (without the need to download the package again):
    cd prj; rm -r pkg; osc revert/restore pkg;
    (that’s possible because the metadata is stored in the prj/.osc
  • to convert old project/package working copies to the new format
    the “osc repairwc” command can be used (at least that’s the plan)

Feedback is always welcome.


Factory Progress 2011-07-01

July 1st, 2011 by

Here’s with some delay the next incarnation of Factory Progress. I’ve noticed the following changes that might interest people using and developing openSUSE Factory:

Package changes

Linux 3.0

Linux kernel 3.0 rc5 is currently on its way to factory and the header files (in package linux-glibc-devel) have already been updated for it. If your software reads the Linux kernel version, please check that it can cope with the two digits instead of the three of the new version. Best would be to not read the version at all.


Frederic has proposed a “Road to systemd for openSUSE 12.1″. Systemd is a replacement of the SysVinit scripts that we have been using and improving in the past with many new – including some controversial – ideas. Check his blog post for additional references about systemd. The majority of the distributions are moving to systemd as well and standarizing on it, will allow to share some more code and development in this area.

We’re now in phase 1 – which means: Get systemd running as an option. Once this is working satisfactory, we can switch the default (phase 2) and decide what to do with SysVinit support.


1-2-3 Cloud

June 20th, 2011 by

Towards the end of last year there was an article in openSUSE news “announcing” the cloud efforts in the openSUSE project and on OBS. Well, cloud is still all the rage (see Jos’ contribution to openSUSE News issue 180) and people just cannot stop talking about cloud computing.

Using openSUSE as a host for your cloud infrastructure is also making great progress. We have 3 cloud projects in OBS and hopefully these cover your favorite cloud infrastructure code, Virtualization:Cloud:Eucalyptus, Virtualization:Cloud:OpenNebula, and Virtualization:Cloud:OpenStack. The projects provide repositories for Eucalyptus, OpenNebula, and OpenStack, respectively.

We attempt to make it relatively easy to get a cloud up and running. In this process OpenNebula and OpenStack have progressed the most. Eucalyptus is working, but due to an issue with Eucalyptus and openSSL 1.0 and later (the version in openSUSE) automation has to wait until these issues are resolved.

For OpenNebula we now have a KIWI example that shows how one can get a cloud setup from scratch in less than 2 hours, including the image build. The example contains a firstboot workflow for the head node, and self configuration of cloud nodes.

For OpenStack SUSE Gallery images are in the works and will be published in the near future.

All repositories provide packages you can install on running openSUSE systems. If you are interested in using openSUSE as the underlying OS for your cloud or if you want to contribute to the cloud projects, subscribe to the cloud mailing list opensuse-cloud@opensuse.org