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Archive for the ‘Miscellaneous’ Category

Cooking with DocBook

December 7th, 2011 by

Hi DocBook lovers,

browsed through a book, used your favorite search engine, or posted on LinkedIn, Xing, or the DocBook mailinglist to hunt for answers to your problems?

As an additional alternative, I’m happy to announce my latest project:

The DoCookBook Project
(released  under Creative Commons License)

The tongue-twisting name is a word play and picks up the two central topic about DocBook and cookbook.


kde telepathy one click install

November 16th, 2011 by

now with openSUSE 12.1 out maybe some of you would like to try something new… that will be probably in the future versions of KDE.

A lot of interesting packages can be found in KDE:Unstable:Playground

for me one of the most expected feature would be the new telepathy IM component for kde.

I have created a simple one click install for 12.1 if you are curious to try. Please test and contribute.

fsck.ocfs2: I/O error on channel while performing pass 1

September 5th, 2011 by

When running fsck.ocfs2 if you get an error like below, turn off feature metaecc and run it again.

fsck -f -y /dev/drbd0
fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2
fsck.ocfs2 1.4.3
Checking OCFS2 filesystem in /dev/drbd0:
Label: vmimages
UUID: B5A45669962C4E40AE9FB2BF16184981
Number of blocks: 157281328
Block size: 4096
Number of clusters: 19660166
Cluster size: 32768
Number of slots: 4

/dev/drbd0 was run with -f, check forced.
Pass 0a: Checking cluster allocation chains
Pass 0b: Checking inode allocation chains
Pass 0c: Checking extent block allocation chains
Pass 1: Checking inodes and blocks.
extent.c: I/O error on channel reading extent block at 112162 in owner 516113 for verification
pass1: I/O error on channel while iterating over the blocks for inode 516113
fsck.ocfs2: I/O error on channel while performing pass 1

#disable metaecc (man tunefs.ocfs2 for more)
tunefs.ocfs2 --fs-features=nometaecc /dev/drbd0

#run fsck again
fsck -f -y /dev/drbd0

to re-enable it after completing fsck, run:
tunefs.ocfs2 --fs-features=metaecc /dev/drbd0

ATI/AMD fglrx : giving back this time

August 19th, 2011 by

Dear flgrx’s users of rpm or ati-installer.run, this time I’m asking your help.
geeko love
Sebastian Siebert (freespacer) give his time to maintain the SuSE part inside the installer. Unfortunately he didn’t have high-end graphics card, nor double screen, and thus is not able to test nor report results to AMD.
He’s also spending time on irc and forum to help users when things goes wrong.

So how can we help him? Simply giving back a little amount of money, if you can afford it.
I’ve opened a pledgie for that : see the full explanation at

I really count on you. Spread the word.

ps : Catalyst 11.8 is out, stay tuned, I’ll be back this week-end.

Presentation resolution on netbooks

July 11th, 2011 by

I recently got ASUS Eee Netbook R051PX, nice little machine, however small annoyance it has when plugged to projectors for presentation is that the default mirrored resolution is just 800×600, the gnome-display-properties does not allow the selection of 1024×768, xrandr comes to the rescue:

Run the following as normal user in terminal to get the required resolution.

xrandr --output LVDS1 --panning 1024x768
xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 1024x768

Note: just in case wordpress eats up – character, there are 2 – before output, panning and mode.

Open Hardware License released by CERN!

July 9th, 2011 by

A very nice complement to the Open Source Hardware Definition that the Open Hardware Summit team has been curating for the past year is the Open Hardware Initiative announced by CERN, including the Open Hardware Repository recently launched there.

A bit of a legalistic focus when there are real hardware specs to peruse (who knows, maybe even some of Cornelius’ work is in there 🙂 ), but I think it is cool that after the Definition we now have the CERNOHL License.  Now, let the BSD vs GPL vs Apache vs MIT-with-crumpets discussion begin 🙂

Facebook bans KDE’s photo uploader; all uploaded content inaccessible.

June 27th, 2011 by

So in my head there’s a little Walter Sobchak beating on my conscience and shouting “This is what you get when you trust Facebook with your data, Will”.
The reason is that I upload photos to Facebook using KDE’s shared uploader and this has fallen victim to the whims of FB’s purge of its app biosphere. Unless the original developer can convince them that the app is not spammy, offering a bad experience or having the wrong attitude, the app, my photos (all archived elsewhere of course), but most importantly, all the kind comments from my friends and contacts that represent FB’s only value, get sent to the farm.
This is what you get when you trust one company with stuff you care about. Will.

[gsoc] osc code cleanup – summary of week 5

June 26th, 2011 by


here’s a small summary of the 5th (coding) week. I’ve spent most
of the time with the url-like argument parser (more information can be
found here and here). Additionally I cleaned up/reworked the
remote file classes (now we have: RORemoteFile and RWRemoteFile).
I also added an AbstractHTTPResponse and HTTPError class to the httprequest
module (the main purpose of the AbstractHTTPResponse is to encapsulate a
“concrete” http response (for instance it can be used as a wrapper around
urllib(2)’s addinfourl class)).
TODO for this week:

  • write a search module in order to find packages, projects, requests etc.
  • maybe we also need something like a source module (mainly to access the
    /source route)
  • think about working copy code cleanup/internal restructuring


Kraft 0.43 Release

May 26th, 2011 by

Kraft helps in the officeYesterday I did a new release of Kraft, the KDE application to create and manage business documents in the small enterprise. It is version 0.43, the former one was 0.42, release in april 2011. Both releases, where the latter is a kind of maintenance release of the first are the result of a comparable high development effort of the underlying code in catalog handling and document lists in Kraft.

The document lists consisting of a latest, complete and time sorted view are now fully based on one Qt interview model feeding the views. That was a step because the original code was based on Qt3’s treewidget code. The result is convincing: the time needed to build up all views with a couple of thousand documents went down from around 20 seconds with the old implementation (which of course was not optimized) to almost nothing now. A nice result.

The catalog management got also a fundamental change, it can handle an arbitrary depth of catalog chapters now instead of only one. That makes a catalog chapter hirarchie in which templates can be moved around by drag and drop. Complete sub chapters can now be moved now from the catalog to the document quickly to speed up the assembly of documents covering standard workflows. Moreover this change in the underlying catalog data structure was an important prerequisite to implement reading of standard catalog formats such as DATANORM in later releases.

Krafts development is still going slowly, but steadily. There are quite some ideas on how to move on with Kraft:

  • Kraft Mobile – spin off a mobile app working on the new form factors providing useful functionality
  • support for DATANORM and friends, which would allow reading standard template catalogs provided by suppliers.
  • Alkimia support which would head into accounting functionality together with the other KDE financial applications
  • continue on shared Kraft, which utilizes the Owncloud project as a document and catalog sharing platform
  • support sub documents and more structured documents in Kraft
  • more project management capabilities in Kraft

All of these ideas are interesting and quite some work. I haven’t decided yet. If you think you want to influence Krafts future, let me know your arguments, most preferably on the Kraft mailinglist. If you even feel like you want to work on an interesting KDE application, please let me know, I’d be happy to share everything 🙂

LibreOffice and European Portuguese!

May 25th, 2011 by

For you, proud European Portuguese speaker that is looking for an Orthographic corrector to use with your flavored Office Suite (Libre Office)! Shed no more tears… Here you can find them… One for pre-Orthographic Treaty and as alternative the one which follows the Orthographic Treaty…

Even though:

* … the Portuguese speaking market is the 6th biggest in the world;
* … the Portuguese language is the 5th most used in the Internet (yes, ahead o Arabic and French);

We are not visible enough for LibreOffice to include the required stuff for our language… Lets do this before Ubuntu… bnc#688200.
