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Posts Tagged ‘KIWI’

Editing KIWI configurations with Emacs

August 31st, 2012 by

I recently decided to do all my work in emacs and even though the learning speed is a bit slow, I thought I would share what I discoverd regarding editing the KIWI config files. Kiwi has the schema file for the elements and their attributes but unfortunately by default Emacs is unaware of it’s schema location. So first create a schema location file as below and save it.

<locatingRules xmlns="http://thaiopensource.com/ns/locating-rules/1.0">
<transformURI fromPattern="*.xml" toPattern="*.rnc"/>

<uri pattern=”*.kiwi” typeId=”KIWI”/>
<typeId id=”KIWI” uri=”/usr/share/kiwi/modules/KIWISchema.rnc”/>

I saved it as $HOME/.emacs.d/data/myschemas.xml. Now add this to your Emac’s init file for autoloading the nxml mode for kiwi files in addition to the xml files

(setq auto-mode-alist
(cons '("\\.\\(xml\\|kiwi\\|xsl\\|rng\\|xhtml\\)\\'" . nxml-mode)

and add this code for nxml mode to locate the kiwi schema file when you edit a kiwi config file

(eval-after-load 'rng-loc
'(add-to-list 'rng-schema-locating-files (concat user-emacs-directory "data/myschemas.xml")))

Now have fun with Emacs, Kiwi and your openSUSE

KIWI RELAX NG Schema Explained

December 6th, 2009 by

KIWI, invented by Marcus Schäfer, is a magnificent tool to build your own SUSE Linux distribution. It is also the backend of SUSE Studio.

For those who has used KIWI manually already know the details: KIWI’s configuration file is XML and based on a RELAX NG schema. This article give developers a little background of the history, a short overview of some design decisions around KIWI’s RELAX NG schema, and how to customize it to your needs.

Playing With XPath Expressions in The xmllint Shell

November 23rd, 2009 by

When XML is transformed into something else, in most cases XSLT comes to play. One of the challenges of XSLT is to select just the nodes you are interested in. This task is done by XPath, “a query language for selecting nodes from a XML document.”

However, it can be tedious to create a XPath expression, run the transformation, and check if you got the expected result. After hours of debugging you find out: It’s the wrong XPath expression!

To make it easier: Test your XPath expressions in the internal xmllint shell!


Coming soon on the servers near you: Easy-LTSP-NG

June 2nd, 2009 by

Easy-LTSP, an easy to use GUI to configure LTSP‘s lts.conf file was developed as a part of Google Summer of Code ’08 by Jan Weber. It was written in C#, it was decided to use C# at that time to accomplish a complex task in a very short period of time given for GSOC. Thanks to it setting up LTSP on openSUSE is just a few mouse clicks.

Easy-LTSP was designed to work on any distribution, but unfortunately it is not integrated anywhere other than openSUSE, discussing with the upstream LTSP developers suggested the slight reservation could be due to it being written in C#. We wanted to add new features to the GUI to take care of all the exciting new development we have in KIWI-LTSP so it was felt that the rewrite will be much better option than to extend the current code, as it is anyway being written from scratch why not use something like Python which would be easier to attract more contributors and increase possibility that users of all distributions running LTSP server can benefit from it inclusion in their prefered distro.

Here are the screencaps of the “Next Generation” Easy-LTSP(click image to see full album):

The code is in very initial stage, many things do not work yet, these screenies would give some idea where the design is going. If you are a developer interested in hacking get the source from here, drop us a line if you want SVN commit access. If you are a user and have some suggestions or an idea how this tool should be like file an enhancement request on devzilla here.