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openSUSE and Li-f-e DVDs shipped on order

October 3rd, 2009 by

“The best online Distro store” TuxDVDs in India has made available openSUSE and openSUSE-Edu Li-f-e: Linux for Education DVDs along with tons of other great distros.

If you are in India and would like your favorite distribution shipped at very low cost head here.

openSUSE Ambassadors…numbers?

October 2nd, 2009 by

Alright. Just out of curiosity, I felt like finding out what the numbers show for South America compared to other regions in the Ambassadors Program of openSUSE.

As a reminder, the goals of the Ambassador Program are:

  • Act as an evangelist for openSUSE to the public.
  • Mentor new users and contributors.
  • Support openSUSE at local events.
  • Promote use of openSUSE and contributions to the openSUSE Project.
  • Have a lot of fun!.

So, checking out the Ambassadors List, I got for South America:

  • Brazil = 6.
  • Chile = 3.
  • Peru = 3.
  • Argentina = 2.
  • Colombia = 2.

Brazil is doing great here, doubling any other country’s Ambassadors number in the region. No doubt it’s not just users who are pushing Open Source out there but also their government and enterprises (example:Fisl), and I am glad openSUSE is a real choice for them. Compared to Europe, I believe statistical numbers are still OK for us 🙂 since the truth is that openSUSE is just ranked in the top five of the most popular Linux flavours in Chile, maybe it’s the same in other South America countries. So, Ambassadors for Europe (some countries only):

  • Germany = 8.
  • Spain = 6.
  • Austria = 4.
  • Italy = 3.
  • France = 2.

As for North America, we have got:

  • USA = 15.
  • Canada = 3.
  • Mexico = 3.

I even did a “quick and dirt” chart with OpenOffice’s Calc so you can have a graphical idea of our numbers around the world:

For more information, please, visit the openSUSE Ambassadors section.

Have a lot of fun!.

Updating in Place From openSUSE 11.1 to 11.2

October 1st, 2009 by

After running my laptop for some time already on openSUSE Factory, I decided to update my workstation now as well to openSUSE Factory – thus upgrading it to openSUSE 11.2 Milestone 8.

Instead of the “old” but still working way of burning a media, booting from it and upgrading my system, I did the “new” way of openSUSE 11.2: Updating in place with “zypper dup”.


openSUSE-LXDE : improvments to PCManFM

September 30th, 2009 by


That picture talks… your quest is to find the news!!!

BTW on the screen you can see the work in progress openSUSE-LXDE for openSUSE-Factory (the next 11.2).  Notice how LXDE use only 108MB RAM and 5% CPU with:

* Firefox 3.5.3

* OpenOffice.org (writer) 3.1.1

* Pidgin

* LXTask

that’s amazing isn’t it?  (Don’t focus on red  lines… The background is nice but THIS IS NOT the new, check the ICONS)

Thanks to Miguel Albalat Aquila for the patch

Thanks to me for changing on the patch to allow it to work with trash support patch

Andrea 😉

Remote-Learner unveils

September 29th, 2009 by

A little over two months ago,  one of Moodles best partners announced the release of a suite of products called ELIS  http://www.eschoolnews.com/tech-solutions/all-press-releases/index.cfm?i=60118    The products and principles of this organization seem oddly familiar. They support open source for schools, so does the openSUSE for Education project. They support a lower more reasonable TCO for Education Technology, so does the openSUSE for Education project. They really do a great job of supporting these ideals, so does the team from the openSUSE for Education.  Thanks to both efforts open source Education Technology is becoming vastly superior choice.

osc09: Lightning Talks

September 23rd, 2009 by

Sunday morning of the openSUSE conference I took part in the Lightning Talks which were short talks on a variety of topics.  I’ve took some brief notes of these:


DocBook-XML die Zweite!

September 21st, 2009 by

(Disclaimer: This post is mainly intended for a German audience and describes my book about DocBook XML. For this reason, as an exception, the following text is written in German only.)

Nach ca. 1½ Jahren und unzähligen Stunden, dem Verschleiß von hunderten von Korrekturseiten und Stiften, einer überstandenen Druckerei-Pleite, viel verbrauchtem Gehirnschmalz, einem unwilligem PC und über 1000 Revisionen im SVN-Repository, ist jetzt die 2. Auflage meines Buches  “DocBook-XML — Medienneutrales und plattformunabhängiges Publizieren” beim Millin-Verlag erschienen. 5 Jahre nach der ersten Auflage.


openSUSE Conference Photos

September 19th, 2009 by

I found so far the following galleries of photos from the openSUSE Conference (osc09):

The flickr photos are also shown on the osc09 twitterwall.

Please tell me about further galleries and I’ll update this blog post.

Update 2009-09-23:  Add Coly Li’s photos

osc09: Notes from Governance Session

September 18th, 2009 by

Today at the openSUSE Conference I took the notes of the governance session.  We will continue the discussion tomorrow but let me just publish the raw notes as I took them at the meeting without much editing.

Notes below:


openSUSE Conference 09 has started !

September 17th, 2009 by

The openSUSE Conference 09 has started today !

Some first impressions can get found on our gallery server already.

In case you are around Nuernberg, you can still drop by for a talk or a beer !