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Fosdem proposals for main track presentations and developer rooms

August 3rd, 2014 by

Fosdem now invite proposals for main track presentations and developer rooms.

FOSDEM offers open source developers a place to meet, share ideas and collaborate. Renowned for being highly developer-oriented, the event brings together some 5000+ geeks from all over the world.

The fifteenth edition will take place on Saturday 31 January and Sunday 1 February 2015 at the usual location: ULB Campus Solbosch in Brussels.

We now invite proposals for main track presentations and developer rooms.

Previous editions have featured tracks centered around security, operating system development, community building, and many other topics. Presentations are expected to be 50 minutes long and should cater to a varied technical audience. The conference covers travel expenses and arranges accommodation for accepted main track speakers.

Developer rooms are assigned to self-organizing groups to work together on open source projects, to discuss topics relevant to a broader subset of the community, etc. Content may be scheduled in any format, subject to approval. Popular formats include presentation tracks, hacking sessions and panel discussions. Proposals involving collaboration across project or domain boundaries are strongly encouraged.

Proposals for main track presentations should be submitted using Pentabarf:


Developer room proposals should be emailed to devrooms@fosdem.org and be as detailed as possible. In particular, coordinators should indicate their affinity with the topic being proposed and provide a rough idea of the content they plan to schedule.

Key dates:

15 September
deadline for developer room proposals

1 October
deadline for main track proposals
accepted developer rooms announced


OpenStack Infra/QA Meetup

July 23rd, 2014 by

Last week, around 30 people from around the world met in Darmstadt, Germany to discuss various things about OpenStack and its automatic testing mechanisms (CI).
The meeting was well-organized by Marc Koderer from Deutsche Telekom.
We were shown plans of what the Telekom intends to do with virtualization in general and OpenStack in particular and the most interesting one to me was to run clouds in dozens of datacenters across Germany, but have a single API for users to access.
There were some introductory sessions about the use of git review and gerrit, that mostly had things I (and I guess the majority of the others) already learned over the years. It included some new parts such as tracking “specs” – specifications (.rst files) in gerrit with proper review by the core reviewers, so that proper processes could already be applied in the design phase to ensure the project is moving in the right direction.

On the second day we learned that the infra team manages servers with puppet, about jenkins-job-builder (jjb) that creates around 4000 jobs from yaml templates. We learned about nodepool that keeps some VMs ready so that jobs in need will not have to wait for them to boot. 180-800 instances is quite an impressive number.
And then we spent three days on discussing and hacking things, the topics and outcomes of which you can find in the etherpad linked from the wiki page.
I got my first infra patch merged, and a SUSE Cloud CI account setup, so that in the future we can test devstack+tempest on openSUSE and have it comment in Gerrit. And maybe some day we can even have a test to deploy crowbar+openstack from git (including the patch from an open review) to provide useful feedback, but for that we might first want to move crowbar (which is consisting of dozens of repos – one for each module) to stackforge – which is the openstack-provided Gerrit hosting.

see also: pleia2’s post

Overall for me it was a nice experience to work together with all these smart people and we certainly had a lot of fun

Updated openSUSE-Edu-li-f-e-gnome-classic

July 20th, 2014 by

Here is updated openSUSE-Edu-li-f-e-gnome-classic iso, this update include GNOME 3.12, official openSUSE updates till date, and it brings back Sugar.

Download ISO | MD5 | Alternate download and mirrors

Previous release announcement.

Fosdem 2015 – 31st January / 1st February – Brussel : call

July 6th, 2014 by

I’m relaying an important information about Fosdem. So people can start to organize a big openSUSE presence next year.

FOSDEM offers open source developers a place to meet, share ideas and
collaborate. Renowned for being highly developer-oriented, the event
brings together some 5000+ geeks from all over the world.

The fifteenth edition will take place on Saturday 31 January and Sunday
1 February 2015 at the usual location: ULB Campus Solbosch in Brussels.

We now invite proposals for main track presentations and developer rooms.

Previous editions have featured tracks centered around security,
operating system development, community building, and many other topics.
Presentations are expected to be 50 minutes long and should cater to a
varied technical audience. The conference covers travel expenses and
arranges accommodation for accepted main track speakers.

Developer rooms are assigned to self-organising groups to work together
on open source projects, to discuss topics relevant to a broader subset
of the community, etc. Content may be scheduled in any format, subject
to approval. Popular formats include presentation tracks, hacking
sessions and panel discussions. Proposals involving collaboration
across project or domain boundaries are strongly encouraged.

Proposals for main track presentations should be submitted using


Developer room proposals should be emailed to and
be as detailed as possible. In particular, coordinators should indicate
their affinity with the topic being proposed and provide a rough idea of
the content they plan to schedule.

Key dates:

15 September
– deadline for developer room proposals
1 October
– deadline for main track proposals
– accepted developer rooms announced

Philip Paeps

Javascript tools in openSUSE round 1: JSHint

July 2nd, 2014 by

Node.js is not getting as much attention in openSUSE community as it’s gaining foot in development world.  Node.js is not just fancy buzz word that I just to be couple years back. There is plethora of libraries and tools that you can use for Node.js development or web-coding. I have been in this Nnode.js dependency hell (ok you can use npm if you like but if you like to make RPM-files you are in trouble) for a while but now I figured out most troubles and start using new tools! I copied most Node.js packaging stuff from Fedora as like Java Javascript is first class citizen of their ecosystem. I also added packages that were missing and updated and added and updated. (more…)

Workshop on Open Source for Embedded System Development

July 1st, 2014 by

Open Source Technologies Club organizes One Day workshop on Open Source for Embedded System Development

On 5th July 2014

At Bhaskaracharya Institute for Space Applications and Geo-informatics, ,Gandhinagar

Faculty Members from GTU Affiliated Colleges are invited to participate in this workshop.

More information here

Report of the event and pictures


osc: speedup update of a project working copy

June 26th, 2014 by


recently, I pushed a commit that speeds up the update of an osc project
working copy, if most of the packages in the working copy are already up to
date (that is no update has to be performed).
The following table shows the improvements of the new code (in terms of
wall-clock time). Both project working copies were already up to date
and the packages in the home:Marcus_H project were unexpanded.

project       # number of packages  #    old code # new code
home:Marcus_H                   66        51.135s    10.653s
d:l:r:e                       1245     7:07.07min    17.804s

(the numbers for the devel:languages:ruby:extensions (d:l:r:e) project
were kindly provided by darix – thanks!).

Technically, we just reduced the number of http requests for packages
that are already up to date by using the backend’s getprojectsourceinfo
call (/source/project?view=info&package=pkg_1…&package=pkg_n).
Note: currently, such a reduction is not possible for packages that have
a _service file, because a small change in the backend is needed (see [1]).
Consequently, there are no time improvements for such packages.

If you want to test the new code, use the osc package from the
devel:tools:scm repo (http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/devel:/tools:/scm/).
Feedback is always welcome! 🙂

Next, my plan is to improve the speed of an update of a single package
working copy (again by reducing the number of http requests).

[1] http://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-buildservice/2014-06/msg00067.html

Using docker 1.0 on openSUSE 13.1

June 16th, 2014 by

There is quite some buzz around docker and no one can avoid to read about it. So I wanted to try it out. Since version 1.0 is now out some things got even smoother it seems.
Here is the short version of the commands:

  1. Add the Virtualization repository
    zypper ar http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Virtualization/openSUSE_13.1 docker
    zypper ref
  2. Install docker
    zypper in docker
  3. Start the docker service
    systemctl start docker
  4. Then for example search for openSUSE based containers in the docker registry
    docker search opensuse

    This should provide the same list as using this web page:


  5. For now we are going to download and use Flavio Castelli’s 12.3 container by first pulling it
    docker pull flavio/opensuse-12-3

    Depending on your connection that may take some time or finish quite quickly with output looking like this:

    # docker pull flavio/opensuse-12-3
     Pulling repository flavio/opensuse-12-3
     7b4864b5c142: Download complete
     3ac0450b90b3: Download complete
  6. If that worked well, you are ready to use that container. For example check what RPM’s are installed by simply issuing
     docker run flavio/opensuse-12-3 rpm -qa

Now you are ready to pull and use containers. If you want to build your own containers the following blog post by Flavio Castelli might be of interest to you:


GNOME 3.12 classic on openSUSE 13.1

June 16th, 2014 by
GNOME 3.12 classic running on openSUSE 13.1

GNOME 3.12 classic running on openSUSE 13.1

Just in case gnome does not open in the classic mode after selecting it as session from display manager, then edit /usr/share/applications/gnome-shell-classic.desktop and change the Exec line to read Exec=/usr/bin/gnome-shell --mode=classic

You can also switch to classic mode from within the running gnome session by doing Alt+F2 > gnome-shell -r --mode=classic

openSUSE 13.2 Artwork Proposal

June 13th, 2014 by

Dear Geekos,

at the openSUSE Conference 14, Kenneth Wimer presented some new ideas and guidelines about branding. This includes a color set, as well as some new design elements.

You can watch his talk here.

I have taken the chance to prepare a light wallpaper proposal, based on this color set


It is of course a proposal, and you are invited to hack on it, improve it, or create something new. The SVG source is available here.