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Archive for the ‘openSUSE 11.2’ Category

Article about iPad with Linux (Brasilian Portuguese)

July 5th, 2010 by

With a ipad in hand, I  saw the exclusion of Apple with Linux users, so I wrote a text on how to communicate ipad and Linux   here! Use the force, READ THE  SOURCE!

Road to 11.3 : when pattern are not your friend, pre selection can be a trap

June 10th, 2010 by

So it’s time to take some hours to test our future version.

Today I start a fresh M7/Factory install : booting from pxe. The test case is build quickly a minimal server text mode.

Just uncheck the auto configuration, we are after all linux admin. Choose your partition keyboard, language (en recommanded for server) etc … normal.

Just before starting the install check software :  click on installation resume . You will discover that base-system-pattern would like to install a kernel-desktop, wtf why we want a server !

So there’s a new ticket about that : https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=613216

I express the fact that it would be nice to have a new pattern selected when we choose minimal install server text mode.

And you what about your opinion about pre-selection or having a base-system-server pattern … Please comment, & vote on bugzilla

A pattern guru wanted to build a patch for that.

Happy 15th PhP

June 9th, 2010 by

Did you remember the June 8th 1995 ?
There was a annonce here


Announcing the Personal Home Page Tools (PHP Tools) version 1.0.

These tools are a set of small tight cgi binaries written in C.
They perform a number of functions including:

. Logging accesses to your pages in your own private log files
. Real-time viewing of log information
. Providing a nice interface to this log information
. Displaying last access information right on your pages
. Full daily and total access counters
. Banning access to users based on their domain
. Password protecting pages based on users’ domains
. Tracking accesses ** based on users’ e-mail addresses **
. Tracking referring URL’s – HTTP_REFERER support
. Performing server-side includes without needing server support for it
. Ability to not log accesses from certain domains (ie. your own)
. Easily create and display forms
. Ability to use form information in following documents

Here is what you don’t need to use these tools:

. You do not need root access – install in your ~/public_html dir
. You do not need server-side includes enabled in your server
. You do not need access to Perl or Tcl or any other script interpreter
. You do not need access to the httpd log files

The only requirement for these tools to work is that you have
the ability to execute your own cgi programs. Ask your system
administrator if you are not sure what this means.

The tools also allow you to implement a guestbook or any other
form that needs to write information and display it to users
later in about 2 minutes.

The tools are in the public domain distributed under the GNU
Public License. Yes, that means they are free!

For a complete demonstration of these tools, point your browser
at: http://www.io.org/~rasmus

Rasmus Lerdorf
ras… @io.org

Now 15 years after, great way. And daily basis work with it. Thanks Rasmus, Thanks PhP dev’s, thanks openSUSE packagers … For those who need php applications, framework, lib and so just have a look at this long list of what is ready to use on your favorite distribution


AcetoneISO2 and LXDE

June 3rd, 2010 by

I am sure that most of you know and like acetoneiso2, a nice tool to menage isos and lots of other things. Latest release, 2.2.1 support only kde, gnome and xfce as DE and allow to open their file managers to browse files and mounted stuffs…

So, you know, FLOSS is our world.. i took the code, and improved it, just a trivial change, but really nice. I added LXDE/PcmanFM support, as you can see from the picture:

Now you can have acetoneiso2 run pcmanfm too.

The patched package is already into Packman repository and a submit-request (#41069) has been submitted to KDE:KDE4:Community repository, so hopefully, it would be available even there quite soon.

So people.. enjoy it 😀


FLISOL 2010 GYE – Some Late Numbers and Experiences

June 3rd, 2010 by

I know, I know… it is a bit late ( more than a month ) since FLISOL took place in Guayaquil-Ecuador this year… but a lot a time consuming activities have stopped me from reporting some results. Even though more than a month have passed, I think I should let you know what happened.

Compared to previous years, the event of this year was relatively smaller. An approximate of 200 people assisted, from which for the ~80% it was their first time that assisted to FLISOL, 50% of visitors had not used or heard about FLOSS before, ~13% were below 18 years old and ~75% were between 18-35 years old.

There are 3 things that I would like to point from this year’s event:

  1. Most of the event was organized by the new members from Kokoa ( ESPOL’s Free Software Community ), who I send my congratulations since it was a very good start. They were just newbies and took the challenge of organizing the biggest FLOSS event in town. As an old Kokoa kore member I know how difficult can be to organize FLISOL, and I can say those guys did a good job.
  2. One of the rooms that caught most of the attention of the visitors was the gaming room. It mostly attracted the young visitors from different genres. I think that gnu/linux is a niche that has started to be exploited in the gaming area. Personally I have tried some games since the very first time I had openSUSE (SuSE Linux back then) installed and I have seen how good known titles and good quality indie games are coming to gnu/linux. I think that with openSUSE GameStore , some gamers and developers from the openSUSE community we can try to promote our lovely green as a good platform for gaming.
  3. Last but not least, I would like to say thanks to Jarflex, ESPOL’s Digital Culture Club, Ecuagamers and all the people who contributed to make this event possible.

Summarizing, this year it was seen a collaboration between different groups and enterprises somehow related to FLOSS that , locally, was not seen before. This might be a further step of what was started in 2007 when we tried to take FLISOL from a FLOSS installation festival for FLOSS enthusiast to a FLOSS event that will catch the attention of people of different ages with different interests.

Until the next post people of the openSUSEsphere…


PS.1: Some pictures by: @sarahjessi, Kmeng, @_abejamaya , Jarflex and Ecuagamers
PS.2: If you are interested or have some ideas related to openSUSE gaming [site] please write a comment or contact me.

openSUSE at FLISoL Chile

May 28th, 2010 by

As you already know, the Festival Latinoamericano de Instalacion de Software Libre event will be held this Saturday here in Chile.

In La Serena we are starting around 9 am at Universidad de La Serena campus Isabel Bongard, with plenty of fun talks and room for installations, I am more than ready to install our awesome green! =). By the way, I will be creating an ISO with SUSE Studio so everyone can grab it on USB devices.

Some talk topics we are presenting: KVM, Free Knowledge, Linux beyond the Desktop, and Contributing to openSUSE without having to be a developer.

I would like to thank Andreas and everyone at Novell who has been supporting the Ambassadors Program, shipping DVDs, Geekos, T-shirts that the audience really appreciates and do make a difference.

openSUSE-LXDE and Italian Press

May 14th, 2010 by

We all know we are doing well, we see that from your feedbacks, bugreports, obs submitreqs, and IRC. So guys.. Thank you a lot for supporting and helping us.

But do you think there is something better to see your work on a magazine? a national magazine? I guess it’s really exciting isn’t it?

Well we did it! The Italian Linux Magazine wrote two entire pages for us, and our live cd (together with XFCE one) was into the attached DVD or CD!

That was cool!!!


openSUSE at Universidad de Panama, FIEC

May 7th, 2010 by

Universidad de Panamá, Facultad de Informática, Electrónica y Comunicación. Conmemoración del X aniversario de la Facultad. On May 3, 2010 the openSUSE Ambassador was invited to talk about “Introducción a las características y ventajas de openSUSE, su relación con NOVELL y la comunidad de usuarios” (“An Introduction to New Features and Advantages on openSUSE 11.2, the openSUSE Project Community and the relationship with NOVELL”). When I did talk about openSUSE. People came from a few persons in the room to suddenly filling the whole space available for that room. Surprisingly, I had the opportunity to watch several girls between the audience so I thought there is a chance to organize a chix open source community or users group. Click on the link to watch photos


openSUSE Ambassador Panama at FIEC, UP

openSUSE, Ambassador, Panama, FIEC, UP

openSUSE Ambassador Panama Talk at FIEC, UP

openSUSE, Ambassador, Univ. Panama, FIEC

FLISoL 2010 in Panama City

May 7th, 2010 by

FLISoL 2010 at Ciudad del Saber looked good with several Linux Distributions and different open source applications. It was a small building with a lot people in transit. With three people and only two months to organize this event it was a successful achievement because our goal was accomplished: be on the eyes of governmental organizations, ONG, business, academics, students, users, professionals. Some media communications groups give some interviews. After this event we are receiving more invitations to give a talks for education and participate on some projects than ever before.  Click on link below to watch the photos


Promoting Open Source Communities in Panama

May 7th, 2010 by

Universidad Interamericana de Panamá on March 25, 2010 was the scenario for an opensource and Linux party. Several Linux Distros like Ubuntu, CAELinux, Fedora, Gentoo, Debian, openSUSE and organizations like CIDETYS and business like ELCONIX did make presence and their users and members gave a Talk for students, academics, users and professionals. Those Talks were transmited simultaneously by video streaming to the Laureate Universities Network to promote opensource software contributions, trainings, certifications and community participation, job opportunities. Click on to watch photos

Ambassador, Panama, openSUSE

This event did open a collaboration between communities , enterprises and Universidad Interamericana de Panama to promote open source  and Linux certifications and Linux diplomados.

All open source communities ambassadors will organize their groups looking to keep their members up to date with knowledge.

Some CAPATEC (Cámara Panameña de Tecnología) members, like ELCONIX, has showed higher intention to support  some Open Source communities sponsoring education, certification, and some events like FLISoL and Freedom Software Day.

Mirtha Rodriguez, UIP,  Systems Engineering Faculty Dean, did give us a great liaison and invited us to keep working with their students at UIP for future events.