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Posts Tagged ‘11.4’

ATI/AMD fglrx 8.831 Catalyst 11.3 available for openSUSE 11.2, 11.3, 11.4

April 3rd, 2011 by

New version of catalyst 11.3 / fglrx 8.831 available

Please refer to my previous article where all the installation procedure is explained.

I’ve clean up all previous version which are not xpic, so everybody can easily know which drivers he has to install.

All credits to Sebastian Siebert (freespacer) : 11.3 article

What about tumbleweed, factory?

Users have reported that version 8.831 of catalyst 11.3 compile correctly under Tumbleweed with 2.6.38 kernel, so until xorg change too much, installing the 11.4 version should work

For factory, I’ve build a repository (see previous article) that can be used, and fglrx build

Numbers ?

Month Unique IP Number of visits Pages Hits Bandwidth
Jan 2011 2355 6411 19688 35263 16.63 GB
Feb 2011 2906 7719 26383 41142 22.37 GB
Mar 2011 8055 21157 228494 258613 59.13 GB

All served by openSUSE powered server!

openSUSE 11.4 :: Wine… A practical case…

March 15th, 2011 by

For some time I follow the openSUSE Forums which provide me a very interesting view about what our users do with openSUSE. I’ve noticed there are some relevant questions about Wine once in a while in the Games forums.

A few time ago one of my friends nagged me a lot to do a couple of levels in Lord of the Rings Online which has a ‘Free Play’ plan in Europe. People can create an account and play for free the game with some restrictions (contents, equipment, items, etc). Players also have the option of using the online game store to unlock several aspects of the game. I’ve used a free play account for this, as I don’t really dedicate much time to it.

I’ve downloaded and installed the game in a Windows 7 computer (abour 10.5GB’s),  updated it and it works as expected. My laptop has somehow better hardware and I’ve decided to see how it would run under openSUSE through wine! On WineHQ there’s some extensive know-how shared by the community about this game… for my little experiment I’ve used the following:

* Lord of the Rings Online installation files pulled from the installer (since I had previously downloaded the game on a Windows machine, I’ve used those files to avoid downloading 10.5GB’s again).
* Wine 32 bits (1.3.12, shipped with openSUSE, LotRO requires also wine-gecko);
* openSUSE 11.4 x86_64;
* ATI FireGL drivers, release 11.2;
* PyLotRO Launcher (written in Python, used to launch LOTRO since the normal Turbine .NET launcher has some serious issues);

Looking at everything written on WineHQ about LotRO it seems quite a hard task to get this running, luckily it’s actually the opposite… pretty much a quick step, though time consuming due to the size of the game. Here’s the procedures:

  • Installing wine on openSUSE 11.4

Installing wine on openSUSE is pretty easy (like any other software package). Make sure you are networked and open your favourite terminal emulator and type in the following command: zypper install wine wine-gecko. Zypp client will pull all the required dependencies and install the software. Please be aware that your system needs to have 3D capable drivers, often proprietary drivers.

  • Installing Lord of the Rings Online

As I’ve stated previously, I’ve had available the installation cache files from a previous Windows installation which made my life easier (around 10.5GB). If this is not your case, you can look into WineHQ and check how it goes with the installer. An interesting thread can be found here.

When one installs LOTRO on a Windows Machine it will create a folder on the Desktop called LOTRO_* which will contain a local cache of the files necessary to install the game. Inside of this folder there’s a ‘lotrosetup.exe’ runs the installer. To start the installation is quite easy… open a terminal (with normal user), navigate to the directory where we have the cache files from the installer and run: wine lotrosetup.exe. The installer window pops up preceded by a small splash screen. Follow the instructions on the screen and wait until it deploys the game (took around 30/40 minutes).

  • PyLotRO Launcher for Linux

There’s ways to run the game and the Turbine launcher (.NET) isn’t really friendly of wine. I’ve decided to go for PyLotRO which is a small launcher written in Python. I’ve made a small test package which is available on my test repository in OBS (openSUSE Build Service) and called it python-lotro. You can find it here. For openSUSE 11.4 it can download this RPM, python-lotro-0.1.14-4.1.noarch.rpm and install it with: sudo zypper install python-lotro-0.1.14-4.1.noarch.rpm. This will also create a link on your Games menu entry (works in GNOME, never tested on KDE).

You have the Linux launcher installer and are a tiny step away from being able to play LoTRO…

  • Updating the Game…

PyLotRO provides a small interface with the very basic functionality available from the Turbine Launcher. Allows to configure wine debugging output and patch the game amongst other features. Here’s a small screenshot how it’s looks:

To update the game, it’s only required to hit the ‘Tools‘ menu and select ‘Patch‘. This will access the game contents, download, decrypt and update the game to the latest version. Due to the size of the game it really takes a bit of time, so be patient.

WARNING: Before launching the game make sure that you have 3D effects disabled on the Desktop (ex: disable compiz or composite in Kwin). If this step isn’t done, the game might suffer of great performance issues and weird behavior. If something looks fishy, then that’s because you forgot this step. This also made me think in one thing… What impact will Unity and gnome-shell have in cases like this… when the accelerated 3D Desktop will generate performance issues in applications like in this case… something to look for in the nearby future…

After the update it’s possible to login into the game, configure the options and give it a go… You will need a game account first than can be created for free (Europe only as far as I am aware, the game seems to be under subscription in the US), make sure you download the European client as well.

  • Gameplay

The game tries to detect the best configuration for your system (Low in my case)… I’ve forced it to Very High, selected my native resolution and gave it a go. The game is fluid enough, though lags a bit in big cities (ex: Bree), this is somehow something to expect, the same happens in Windows. While I haven’t seen much problems with performance, I’ve disabled dynamic lighting and it’s somehow a bit better. The runs nice and everything seems to work.

I know many tutorials talk about winetricks and d3dx9… I’ve not did such things and the game runs very nice with the native wine dll’s without having the need of installing Microsoft’s DirectX files.

This was a very pleasant experience, and it really surprised me on the positive. OpenSUSE has a very nice version of wine capable of running at least LotRO and World of Warcraft without any issues! It’s something that is worth trying with openSUSE!

ATI/AMD fglrx 8.821 Catalyst 11.2 available for openSUSE 11.2, 11.3, 11.4

February 19th, 2011 by

Updated : April 4th 2011

Preambule : free software


I would notice everybody which will install these software : you will install proprietary softwares on your computer. Nobody will be able to debug them, nor help you to resolve what can be happen. That must be said !

The free future

The real future is already in place : it’s called radeon (or free-radeon), it’s fully integrated in kernel & xorg. Actually ( for openSUSE 11.4, or openSUSE 11.3 with kernel-stable + X11 obs repo ). Support for many chipset is in real progress even for the 6xxx series.
Give it a try before using the proprietary software, report any bugs you find with it. Only your contributions can help and will make a real differences. Thanks for doing that !

Unofficial but working repository

I offer for those of you that for any reasons can’t use successfully the free-radeon drivers a repository where you will find the latest fglrx/catalyst drivers following the packaging policy made avalaible by AMD.
Thanks to Sebastian Siebert ( check his blog ) to work in coordination with ati/amd and follow the catalyst packaging. His work allow us to have that driver available for openSUSE.

The quick how-to

Adding the repository

For openSUSE Factory
zypper ar -c -f -n "ATI/AMD fglrx non-official" http://linux.ioda.net/mirror/ati/openSUSE_Factory/ "ATI/AMD FGLRX"
For openSUSE 11.4
zypper ar -c -f -n "ATI/AMD fglrx non-official" http://linux.ioda.net/mirror/ati/openSUSE_11.4/ "ATI/AMD FGLRX"
For openSUSE 11.3
zypper ar -c -f -n "ATI/AMD fglrx non-official" http://linux.ioda.net/mirror/ati/openSUSE_11.3/ "ATI/AMD FGLRX"
For openSUSE 11.2
zypper ar -c -f -n "ATI/AMD fglrx non-official" http://linux.ioda.net/mirror/ati/openSUSE_11.2/ "ATI/AMD FGLRX"

Installing the driver

Nota previous version

Due to change in ati/amd way of life, it’s recommanded to completely remove any version of fglrx previously installed with a zypper rm

I can only recommand to also (as root)

# Remove old conf & stuff
rm -fr /etc/ati
# Remove any old fglrx inside kernel modules
find /lib/modules -type f -iname "fglrx.ko" -exec rm -fv {} \;
New installation

Once the repo has been added, you will certainly have to reboot to get ride off free radeon module. At boot on the grub line add
nomodeset blacklist=radeon 3
Don’t panic you will be land to a console, open it with root account to install fglrx.
Search the software you want for example under openSUSE 11.4

zypper se -s fglrx
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S | Name                  | Type    | Version | Arch   | Repository
i | fglrx64_xpic_SUSE114  | package | 8.831-1 | x86_64 | ATI/AMD fglrx non-official  
  | fglrx64_xpic_SUSE114  | package | 8.821-1 | x86_64 | ATI/AMD fglrx non-official  
  | fglrx_xpic_SUSE114    | package | 8.831-1 | i586   | ATI/AMD fglrx non-official
  | fglrx_xpic_SUSE114    | package | 8.821-1 | i586   | ATI/AMD fglrx non-official

Starting with 8.821 (Catalyst 11.2) ATI use now xpic (full explanation)
So use that one. I’ve removed all non xpic drivers the 2 April 2011.

For a 64bits version
zypper in fglrx64_xpic_SUSE114
For a 32bits version
zypper in fglrx_xpic_SUSE114

During the installation process, all the dependencies will be added, which mostly are needed to build the kernel modules. Expect around 200MB to dowload.

Then the installer will build the module for your installed kernel.
And if there’s a kernel update, the script will automagically detect that, and will rebuild the module for the new kernel installed. (So if you find that your workstation is slow on reboot just press the esc key to see the details … )

Preparing xorg to use fglrx

Once the module is build and installed, you should have a file fglrx.conf or 50-fglrx.conf in /etc/modprobe.d

cat /etc/modprobe.d/50-fglrx.conf
blacklist radeon

Next ati recommend to use ati –initial-config but that break the auto-detect stack of xorg. So I recommend changing one line in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-device.conf
just change driver line to driver “fglrx”
All the rest of the setup (double screen etc) will be made lately with the ati catalyst control center (command is amdcccle).
For those of you which want to have an xorg.conf file just have a look at aticonfig –help command.

Start X

If you are inside the console we start to use before just run “init 5” to start xorg, and normally you will find your normal xorg login screen (kdm, gdm, ldm, xdm).
Hit ctrl+alt+f1 to return to the console and type exit or logout or ctrl+d to close it.
then ctrl+alt+f7 to return to the xorg session.


ati/amd catalyst are release on a month basis, but this vary from 3 weeks to 8 weeks.

  • Catalyst 11.2 – fglx 8.821 : 14 February 2011


Sebastian Siebert blog ( German ) with nice howto and problem resolution.
My previous post on the subject

Virtual launch party for openSUSE 11.4 : RC1 is done

February 14th, 2011 by

Successfull RC1 launch!

Dear followers, after the official announcement, we test yesterday the place, and check how fun and cool it can be with several attendees.

The danse party Pop/Rock music themed was animated by DJ Yazz (Brittany Haefeli). Starting at 8:30 CEST the party was crowded during it’s 2 hours and a half. More than 50 people came and visit us during that time. Great that was twice what we expected !

ATI Amd flgrx 8.812 catalyst 11.1 available also for 11.4/factory

February 13th, 2011 by

A quick note for the week-end, I’ve build and uploaded the new fglrx drivers.
The good news, they are also available for 11.4/factory,

Unofficial-but-working repository

For openSUSE 11.4 (factory) NEW !

zypper ar -c -f -n "ATI/AMD fglrx non-official" http://linux.ioda.net/mirror/ati/openSUSE_11.4/ "ATI/AMD FGLRX"

I would like to have feedback about how that works for you, please comment !

Factory specifics troubles

on a fresh auto-configuration factory install : libomp43

Problem: fglrx64_7_6_0_SUSE114-8.812-1.x86_64 requires gcc, but this requirement cannot be provided
  uninstallable providers: gcc-4.5-16.1.i586[openSUSE-11.4-11.4-1.35]
 Solution 1: deinstallation of libgomp43-4.3.4_20091019-5.23.x86_64
 Solution 2: do not install fglrx64_7_6_0_SUSE114-8.812-1.x86_64
 Solution 3: break fglrx64_7_6_0_SUSE114 by ignoring some of its dependencies

Choose from above solutions by number or cancel [1/2/3/c] (c): 1
Resolving dependencies...
Resolving package dependencies...

The following NEW packages are going to be installed:
  binutils-gold fglrx64_7_6_0_SUSE114 gcc gcc45 glibc-devel 
  kernel-default-devel kernel-desktop-devel kernel-devel kernel-source 
  kernel-syms kernel-xen-devel libgomp45 linux-glibc-devel make patch 

The following package is going to be REMOVED:

15 new packages to install, 1 to remove.
Overall download size: 127.9 MiB. After the operation, additional 600.9 MiB 
will be used.

Normally this bug (in M5/M6) should has been resolved in RC1.

See full details on my previous dedicated post

Join us for the first virtual launch party openSUSE 11.4

February 3rd, 2011 by

Annoncing the first virtual launch party

Dear folk, we are organizing a special event for the openSUSE 11.4 launch, and you’re invited. Virtually all of you can participate, and increase the success of it. And spend a good time.

Too soon? Not really, we are in the process to organize also pre-release party, certainly for the RC1 and RC2 launch. So you can practice before the real event. Prepare your environment, and dress your avatars with decent clothes, and gadgets.

We will do our best to welcome you in english, french & greek.
If you want you can also anwser our short pool we are looking about help.


Geekos place bar in SL

On secondlife.com, go to area macedonia. at 183,213,21 coordinates
Or fire the search engine, and look after Geekos group, then join that group


During 3 days March 9 10 & 11 2011
Party start at 16:00 UTC ( 8am SL time)


Join our special place build for that event and let’s get

  • Dance party
  • Free drink
  • Goodies
  • Wall of pictures
  • 11.4 installations movies
  • open minded discussions
  • Experience exchange


tigerfoot on secondlife
Morgane Marquis on secondlife

Your guests would be myself (tigerfoot) & Morgane Marquis.
A team of excellent dj’s as Lillith from Australia, Esquievel from USA, Stefanos from France,
or our great Greeks neighbors



Hey not so long ago I was kicked by H!
Because it’s a place where people have also fun, and we want to talk with them about the freedom & openSUSE.
Did you never attempt to realize something that has not been made yet?
Just to have a lot of fun! The full explanation Here


To access that 3D virtual world, you need a recent computer 1.5Ghz or +, and good internet access >3500/300bps, and a 3D enabled graphics cards like radeon HD4xxx or more, Nvidia Geforce >9600, Intel > i945 & Intel Extreme.

To be continued

In the next weeks, I will publish an more technical article about how to get 3D world viewer installed on your openSUSE. And we are just finishing the picture gallery about that project which should be online next week (due to FOSDEM) this week-end.

Stay tuned !

GoogleEarth 6.0 running in opensuse 11.4 factory 64Bits

December 1st, 2010 by

Sometimes we need some of those applications running under our favorite OS. If you can stick with marble.

So the new googleearth 6.0 version hit the street. And if like me you want to give it a try, there’s some tricks to make it installing under your 64bits opensuse factory.

My first attempt just result in a nice crash …

h GoogleEarthLinux6.0.bin 
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing Google Earth for GNU/Linux
I/O error : No such file or directory
setup.data/setup.xml:1: parser error : Document is empty

setup.data/setup.xml:1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found

*** glibc detected *** setup.data/bin/Linux/amd64/setup.gtk2: free(): invalid pointer: 0xbabababa ***
======= Backtrace: =========
======= Memory map: ========
08048000-08091000 r-xp 00000000 fd:01 1752187                            /tmp/selfgz99614152/setup.data/bin/Linux/x86/setup.gtk2

Google Eartch 6 In action
So I found that can be helpful, during the transition phase to have a package for openSUSE.

Here’s the recipe.

1: get the binary

wget http://dl.google.com/earth/client/current/GoogleEarthLinux.bin

2: extract it to a temp directory

sh GoogleEarthLinux.bin --target GoogleEarthFixed

3: replace the defective gtk2 setup thing

mv ./GoogleEarthFixed/setup.data/bin/Linux/x86/setup.gtk ./GoogleEarthFixed/setup.data/bin/Linux/x86/setup.gtk2

4: Launch the installer
4a : as root for system wide install

su -l

4b : as normal user to have it installed inside your own home


5: Cleaning !
If you don’t need anymore.

rm -Rf ./GoogleEarthFixed
rm ./GoogleEarthLinux.bin 

I would thanks people posting this comment

The method should also work for the older 5.2 version

ATI HD57xxx fglrx drivers under 11.3 & 11.4

July 15th, 2010 by

Unofficial-but-working repository

Adding the repository

For openSUSE 11.4

zypper ar -c -f -n "ATI/AMD fglrx non-official" http://linux.ioda.net/mirror/ati/openSUSE_11.4/ "ATI/AMD FGLRX"

For openSUSE 11.3

zypper ar -c -f -n "ATI/AMD fglrx non-official" http://linux.ioda.net/mirror/ati/openSUSE_11.3/ "ATI/AMD FGLRX"

For openSUSE 11.2

zypper ar -c -f -n "ATI/AMD fglrx non-official" http://linux.ioda.net/mirror/ati/openSUSE_11.2/ "ATI/AMD FGLRX"

Searching the version you need

zypper se -s fglrx
| fglrx64_7_5_0_SUSE113 | pakiet | 8.812-1 | x86_64       | ATI/AMD fglrx non-official
| fglrx64_7_5_0_SUSE113 | pakiet | 8.801-1 | x86_64       | ATI/AMD fglrx non-official
| fglrx64_7_5_0_SUSE113 | pakiet | 8.783-1 | x86_64       | ATI/AMD fglrx non-official
| fglrx64_7_5_0_SUSE113 | pakiet | 8.771-1 | x86_64       | ATI/AMD fglrx non-official
| fglrx64_7_5_0_SUSE113 | pakiet | 8.762-1 | x86_64       | ATI/AMD fglrx non-official
| fglrx_7_5_0_SUSE113   | pakiet | 8.812-1 | i586         | ATI/AMD fglrx non-official
| fglrx_7_5_0_SUSE113   | pakiet | 8.801-1 | i386         | ATI/AMD fglrx non-official
| fglrx_7_5_0_SUSE113   | pakiet | 8.783-1 | i386         | ATI/AMD fglrx non-official
| fglrx_7_5_0_SUSE113   | pakiet | 8.771-1 | i386         | ATI/AMD fglrx non-official
| fglrx_7_5_0_SUSE113   | pakiet | 8.762-1 | i386         | ATI/AMD fglrx non-official

There’s several version, as I would offer a way to use an older if new break everything 🙂

Launch the installation (always as root under a console, and better to be in init 3 mode)
For 11.3 64bits

zypper in fglrx64_7_5_0_SUSE113

For 11.3 32bits

zypper in fglrx7_5_0_SUSE113

etc .. I believe you pick the trick !
At the end of the installation, you can just reboot, or init 3 && init 5 .

Actual version Catalyst 11.1 / 8.812 Published January 26 by ATI/AMD

Previous version Catalyst 10.12 / 8.801 Published December 13 by ATI/AMD (Not available for factory/11.4)

If you already have a fglrx rpm installed, remove the previous version, otherwise catalyst center will give you wrong version information in info panel.

Update news January 26th

Catalyst Release 11.11

Sebastian Siebert blog about his script work nicely well
Script and
German Article

Work in progress : fglrx under factory ( 11.4 ) done for 11.1 catalyst version

At least but not at last, my unofficial-but-working repository packages has been updated yesterday. Another tricks for those who are tired of activating their desktop effects at each kde startup : (picked from the opensuse-kde)

Check out the kwin settings in: /home/user/.kde4/share/config/kwinrc
I have solved that problem changing the DisableChecks parameter from 'false' to 'true'. Although seems that this would be a cover instead of a real solution.
-- Hernán Thiers García

Update news October 2th

How to build the 10.9 driver ? Patch needed

I’ve posted here a version how to patch the drivers to get fglrx.ko builded with latest kernel on openSUSE 11.3 http://www.susepaste.org/80021629

Don’t forget to have a look at Siebert blog his script work nicely well here

Non Official repo and build

For those of us who feel adventurous, and trust me you could install my package (no flgrx.ko inside)

Update news August 7

Seems there’s now an ati repo
you can grab it at http://www2.ati.com/suse/11.3

check the wiki page about that SDB:ATI

zypper ar -fc http://www2.ati.com/suse/11.3 ATI

Check and choose the appropriate package according to your kernel.

but you know what : they just segfault !. My rpm 10.7 (8.753) doesn’t.

Update news July 27

ATI/AMD just release their 10.7 version with native support for openSUSE 11.3

So I rewrite this article with the use of them, and remove any ref to the 10.6 version

Hardware & check

After installing my opensuse 11.3 on a computer with ATI radeon HD57xxx, there’s no desktop effects available, no 3D, no acceleration that can be provided with the free opensource radeon. Too bad, but it’s only a question of months to see support for this graphic card.
My advise would be if radeon works (even with some glitches in it) keep it. And help dev’s with bugs reporting.
To check if 3D is there (would return a YES)

glxinfo | grep -i render

Second point : ATI doesn’t provide anymore repository for their binary drivers, so we have to build them on each needed system. When the 11.3 hits the street, the procedure was complex and not so easy, now with their 10.7 ( 8.753 ) version, it’s doable.

Note All of those manipulation are done under console. So try to leave X, do a ctrl+alt+F1. Go to console, and as root run and init 3 to stop running X

Get ready to build


Firstly : read the release note, check if your card is supported or not (HD 3870 X2 is not !)
Secondly : read the release note again, you missed something important before. 🙂

Building env

Prepare your openSUSE with a minimal building environment :
zypper in kernel-source kernel-syms module-init-tools make gcc libstdc++ libgcc glibc-32bit glibc-devel-32bit fontconfig freetype zlib*

Now we have to add the correct headers (Thx to those who reveal that )
So most of you running the -desktop flavour

zypper in kernel-desktop-devel


zypper in kernel-default-devel

or on 32 bits

zypper in kernel-pae-devel

Install / Build rpm

Quick Install

sh ati-driver-installer-10-7-x86.x86_64.run

Or build your own package to manage them with YaST/zypper/rpm
For 32 bits (can also be build if you have a 64 bits install)

sh ati-driver-installer-10-7-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg SuSE/SUSE113-IA32

For 64 bits

sh ati-driver-installer-10-7-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg SuSE/SUSE113-AMD64
