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Posts Tagged ‘arm6’

Install ddclient on your openSUSE Raspberry Pi

May 25th, 2015 by

We’ve seen two Dynamic DNS clients. We’ll see another one here.

1. First of all, install the program.

$ zypper in ddclient

2. Create the confing file

$ nano /etc/ddclient.conf

with the following content

syslog=no # log update msgs to syslog
#mail=root # mail all msgs to root
#mail-failure=root # mail failed update msgs to root
pid=/var/run/ddclient.pid # record PID in file.
ssl=yes # use ssl-support. Works with
# ssl-library

use=if, if=eth0

Change the ones that are in bold letters.

3. Start the service

$ systemctl enable ddclient


Upgrade your openSUSE Raspberry Pi from 13.1 to 13.2

May 24th, 2015 by

We’ve seen how to create an SD card. I used the 13.1 version. The wiki page https://en.opensuse.org/HCL:Raspberry_Pi is not very clear (to me) about resize partitions. So I tried to upgrade the version 13.1. Here what I did.

1. Check if the update repository already exists and is enabled.

$ zypper repos –uri

You should have the following enabled

3 | openSUSE-13.1-repo-update | openSUSE-13.1-repo-update | Yes | Yes | http://download.opensuse.org/ports/update/13.1/

If not, then add it

$ zypper addrepo –check –refresh –name ‘openSUSE-13.1-Update’ http://download.opensuse.org/update/13.1/ repo-update

2. Refresh and update your system

$ zypper ref && zypper update

3. Remove all third party/OBS repos you no longer need.

$ zypper lr

# Remove with

$ zypper rr (alias or number)

4. Change all remaining repo URLs to the new version of the distribution (needs to be run as root).

$ cp -Rv /etc/zypp/repos.d /etc/zypp/repos.d.Old

5. Change the repos.

$ sed -i ‘s/13\.1/13.2/g’ /etc/zypp/repos.d/*

6. Refresh new repositories (you might be asked to accept new gpg key)

$ zypper ref

If you haven’t removed third party/OBS repositories you may encounter some errors as these repositories may not exist yet or they may have different unguessable URL. It is always recommended to remove them and add their newer version after upgrade.

7. Upgrade

$ zypper dup

Now you have to wait. Reboot at the end, just to be sure that everything went smooth.

Run copy.com on your openSUSE Raspberry Pi

May 23rd, 2015 by

A good question is why do you want to sync a folder on your Raspberry Pi with a cloud service. The answer is little complicated. It’s a subproject that I’m working on right now. I want to upload some data I’ll create on a Raspberry Pi (with limited size of SD card). The uploaded data will be saved on other computer and the SD will be clear again to create new data.

The cloud service I prefer is always ownCloud.
Here I used http://www.copy.com. It provides 15GB of disk but you can increase it.

First of all download the file

$ wget http://copy.com/install/linux/Copy.tgz

Then extract it

$ tar xzvf Copy* copy/armv6h/

This will create a folder called “copy,” and in it there will be three sub-folders: “armv6h,” “x86,” and “x86_64.” The first one contains the Copy client binaries for the Raspberry Pi, the second contains the Copy client for 32-bit Linux on a PC, and the third the same client but for 64-bit Linux PCs.

$ cd /copy/armv6h

Now there are 2 ways of using copy. The CopyCmd tool and CopyConsole.


List of the directories

$ ./CopyCmd Cloud -username=user@gmail.com -password=’mypass’ ls

Upload all content of local /home/user/directory/ to remote /directory

$ ./CopyCmd Cloud -username=user@gmail.com -password=’mypass’ put -r /home/user/directory/ /directory


The CopyConsole tool keeps a folder on your Raspberry Pi synchronized with the data on Copy.com.
The sync app runs in the background and is started like this:

$ ./CopyConsole -daemon -username=user@gmail.com -password=’mypass’ -root=/home/user/directory

This will sync the local /home/user/directory to copy.com. If you delete something from there, it’ll delete from local folder as well.

Remeber to run this command everytime you restart your pi. It’s better to run it manually because there is username and password that are personal (unless you created an account just for your raspberry pi).

Set static IP on your openSUSE Raspberry Pi

May 21st, 2015 by

To set a static IP in Debian based distros is easy. Just change a file (/etc/network/interfaces).
In openSUSE is easier. Everything can be done under YaST.

1. Open YaST and go to Network Devices>Network Settings.

2. Then choose Statically Assigned IP Address (move with tab button and click on space button). Give the static IP you want and as Subnet Mask, Press Next (press enter).

3. You’ll see an overview of the ethernet card.

4. Go to Hostname/DNS and add Google’s DNS servers (optional).

5. Next, go to Routing and add your router ip (usually

Now press OK, reboot and try to login again with SSH.

inadyn and openSUSE Raspberry Pi

May 20th, 2015 by

We’ve seen how to install no-ip.
Fortunately, there’s not only this service but other services too. Just for reference, here are some (not only free):


Let’s see one of them https://freedns.afraid.org. After you register, go to Dynamic DNS link (on the left top box-for members).
Add your host with type A and subdomain and domain what you like as host.

Now there’s going to be a list of your host names. Right click on the Direct Link and copy the link. You should keep the alpha-numeric key. The address will be something like http://freedns.afraid.org/dynamic/update.php?[alpha-numeric-key]

Now it’s time to install the client. I’ve found it from https://github.com/troglobit/inadyn.

1. First of all, install the needed programs to build the service.

$ zypper in gcc-c++ gcc git libopenssl-devel make nano

2. Then

$ mkdir inadyn

$ cd inadyn

3. Download the program from ftp://troglobit.com/inadyn/

$ wget ftp://troglobit.com/inadyn/inadyn-1.99.9.tar.xz

and decompress it

$ tar xvfJ inadyn-1.99.9.tar.xz

4. Go to the directory

$ cd inadyn-1.99.9

5. Compile and install

$ make

$ make install

6. Create the confing file

$ nano /etc/inadyn.conf

with the following content

--username USERNAME
--password PASSWORD
--update_period 3600
--forced_update_period 14400
--alias HOSTNAME,alphanumeric key
--dyndns_system default@freedns.afraid.org

The bold words are the ones you should change. Remember the alphanumeric key is the one you got from right click on the Direct Link.

7. Start the client. Create the service file.

$ nano /usr/lib/systemd/system/inadyn.service

8. Add the following content.

Description=inadyn Dynamic DNS Update Client



9. Start the service

$ systemctl start inadyn.service

and enable the service

$ systemctl enable inadyn.service

10. Reboot and check if the service is running.

$ ps -A | grep inadyn

you should get results something like:

1526 ? 00:00:00 inadyn