Posts Tagged ‘Education’
December 21st, 2015 by Jigish Gohil
The best Linux distribution for education got a whole lot better, your Li-f-e(Linux for Education) takes a “Leap” to 42.1. openSUSE Education community is proud to present this latest edition based on openSUSE 42.1 with all the features, updates and bug fixes available on it till date. This effectively makes it the only enterprise grade long term supported(LTS) distribution for Education.
As with previous releases we have bundled a ton of softwares on this live DVD/USB specially packaged for education, along with the Plasma, GNOME and Mate Desktop Environments, full multimedia experience is also provided out of the box thanks to the Packman repositories. Only x86_64 architecture is supported, if you have a lot of machines that only support x86 then read on to find out how you can extend their Li-f-e.
Tags: Classroom, Education, Graphic designing, LTSP, Multimedia, openSUSE
Posted in Architectures, Derivative, Desktop, Distribution, Education, GNOME, KDE, Mono, Network, Programming, Server, Usability | 5 Comments »
August 18th, 2015 by Tuukka Pasanen
This was supposed to be survival guide to open source and free software world but I realized I’m not that good citizen of open source world that I can give any advises to others. What I’m giving are hint’s what I have learn along the years. So why I’m not very good open source citizen? I read several projects mail lists but only topics that I like and make contributions but not with rage but when I feel like it. I answer few mails that I receive about open source in limited time frame that I have (which sometimes can be too long) and use many projects with out giving anything back. I prefer license to steal and freedom as value not as in beer.
Tags: Education, Misc
Posted in, Miscellaneous | Comments Off on Oh hell! It’s open source project
October 14th, 2014 by Jigish Gohil
你好 北京!
Hello Beijing and lovely people of openSUSE, I will be reaching there tomorrow, will be at Green Tree Inn close to the summit venue, packing some “sightseeing” before the event, if you are also there early drop me a line . There is a short talk about openSUSE Education scheduled on 19th. Check out the summit website to find out what other interesting stuff is on offer.
See you soon…

Tags: Beijing, China, Education, openSUSE Asia Summit, Summit
Posted in Education, Events | Comments Off on openSUSE Asia Summit, 18-19 October
December 17th, 2013 by Jigish Gohil

Get Li-f-e from here : Direct Download | Torrents | Metalinks | md5sum
openSUSE Education community is proud to bring you an early Christmas and New Year’s present: openSUSE Education Li-f-e. It is based on the recently released openSUSE 13.1 with all the official online updates applied.
We have put together a nice set of tools for everyone including teachers, students, parents and IT administrators. It covers quite a lot of territory: from chemistry, mathematics to astronomy and Geography. Whether you are into software development or just someone looking for Linux distribution that comes with everything working out of the box, your search ends here.
Edit: We now also have x86_64 version supporting UEFI boot available for download.
Tags: Education
Posted in Apache, Derivative, Desktop, Distribution, Education, GNOME, KDE, Mono,, Programming, Samba, Server, Virtualization | 4 Comments »
May 17th, 2012 by M. Edwin Zakaria
What do you feel as an open source developer, user, or enthusiast if you see this beautiful piece of software is used by hundred of schools and thousand of students? Great isn’t it? And that’s what happened here in a small dot on this earth in Yogyakarta Indonesia.
This program was initiated by the Government of Indonesia with the objective to introduce the open source and e-learning method to student and teacher. So three years ago I was contacted to help them to realize their dream, and here I’m now reporting that there are around 7300 openSUSE installation in 350 elementary and junior-high schools. We also use SLES in servers to provide repositories and e-learning materials in SCORM using Moodle. This is work in progress. We educate teachers to use openSUSE and also creating learning material so it is always in beta stage I think 😀
I want to say thank you to all the good people, my friends and co-workers, they are unknown in openSUSE community, even many of them are not subscribing the mailing list, but they are the true openSUSE ambassadors in Indonesia. They come to schools and persuade the teachers to use openSUSE. Without them this dream will never come true. Picture below show some of them smiling holding the openSUSE 12.1 promo DVD that AJ sent to me. You all great! Also picture of teachers while following our session about openSUSE.

All the good people

Teachers train using openSUSE
Finally we welcome everyone in openSUSE community if you want to visit Indonesia don’t forget to pay a visit to one of this schools in Yogyakarta and you will see how student are happy using it 😀
Tags: Community, Education, Marketing, openSUSE
Posted in Ambassadors, Education, Marketing | 2 Comments »
December 22nd, 2011 by Jigish Gohil
openSUSE Education team is proud to present another edition of openSUSE-Edu Li-f-e (Linux for Education) based on openSUSE 12.1. Li-f-e comes loaded with everything that students, parents, teachers and system admins of educational institutions may need.
more screenshots…
Tags: 12.1, Education, li-f-e, LTSP, openSUSE
Posted in Apache, Derivative, Desktop, Distribution, Education, GNOME, KDE, Programming, Samba, Server, Virtualization | Comments Off on openSUSE Edu Li-f-e 12.1 out now!
September 18th, 2011 by kl_eisbaer
Even if the last news from the Education project is just one month old, many people asked me during the openSUSE Conference why the Education project itself is currently so quiet.
Well, the “problem” is, that our Education team is currently more a team of technical specialists and many work is done behind the scenes without communication to “the outside”. So even if you did not hear from us for some weeks, we are still alive and coding!
Here are just a few examples, that are going on behind the scenes:
- Translation of the new openSUSE Education Portal is work in progress. Many thanks to our contributors Guillaume for the Français, Freek de Kruijf for the Nederlands, Sabarth for the Português, Gankov for the Русский (Russian) Portal translation!
- Kirill is currently reviewing all 425(!) packages in the Build Service Education project and submitting them to openSUSE Factory afterwards – so openSUSE 12.1 will come with a huge set of packages directly inside the official repository.
- Cyberorg is working on the next release of the openSUSE Edu Li-f-e DVD with the LTSP integration.
- Anubusg1 and many others (the project currently lists 44 maintainers) are doing the “normal” packaging stuff like upgrading and fixing packages for 12.1 (aka Factory)
The Desktop4Education project from Austria was again present at the Conference and gave a great overview of the current status of the project during their talk. Good to hear that the project is being frequently used as a reference case by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture and as such promoted by them throughout Austria.
Talking with Andre Massing from the Simula Research Laboratory during his talk at the conference was quite interesting. Looks like the Science project might see some very interesting new packages in the next months. During the discussion, we agree that the Education and the Science project can share a lot of efforts in their project setups and organization. But they will stay separated (at least in the Build Service) as their audience is very different, even if they share some packages (which is currently done via links inside the Build Service).
Tags: Education, packages, Science, translation, Wiki
Posted in Education, Events | 1 Comment »
October 17th, 2010 by M. Edwin Zakaria
Yogyakarta is one of the tourism destination in Indonesia. The unique Javanise tradition blend with some acculturation from outside culture. Recently I was asked by the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology and Office of Education, Youth and Sport of Yogyakarta to help them to prepare the computer lab for elementary and junior high school in Yogyakarta Province – Indonesia.
Well, this is the tough job. I work with some expert, teacher and education strategist to prepare the e-learning system. We should prepare learning/teaching material in digital format, train the teacher to use authoring tools and operating system, and prepare the schools to be ready to receive the PC’s. This government initiative will involve 500 schools in 3 years. Every school that involve in this program will receive 21 PCs.
We select openSUSE Li-f-e as the operating system in every pc. The selection is not because I’m an openSUSE member but we come to the conclusion that openSUSE Li-f-e is the most complete and well prepare distribution for education (well, I convince other expert, some of them are Ph.D, he..he…). This year there are 110 schools involve in this program, this means another new 2310 openSUSE installation and more than 4000 new users if we assume that every PC will be used by 2 students.
Not only give PC to schools we also should connect the schools to the provincial data center. This is really challenging task, some areas of this province is covered by hundred of hills with karst topography and with no terestrial internet connection. Many of the schools is in that area. The road ahead still far away and difficult, but see the face of the children who really enthusiast with the openSUSE make me really happy.

There are more picture on my picasaweb
Tags: ambassador, Education, Marketing
Posted in, Marketing | 7 Comments »
May 7th, 2010 by Ricardo Chung
Universidad de Panamá, Facultad de Informática, Electrónica y Comunicación. Conmemoración del X aniversario de la Facultad. On May 3, 2010 the openSUSE Ambassador was invited to talk about “Introducción a las características y ventajas de openSUSE, su relación con NOVELL y la comunidad de usuarios” (“An Introduction to New Features and Advantages on openSUSE 11.2, the openSUSE Project Community and the relationship with NOVELL”). When I did talk about openSUSE. People came from a few persons in the room to suddenly filling the whole space available for that room. Surprisingly, I had the opportunity to watch several girls between the audience so I thought there is a chance to organize a chix open source community or users group. Click on the link to watch photos

openSUSE, Ambassador, Panama, FIEC, UP

openSUSE, Ambassador, Univ. Panama, FIEC
Tags: Ambassadors, Community, Education, Events, open source, openSUSE
Posted in Accessibility, Education, Events, GNOME, KDE, Mozilla,, openSUSE 11.2, Usability | Comments Off on openSUSE at Universidad de Panama, FIEC