After lots of test i’m ready to release a new openSUSE-LXDE live CD
Here the change log:
Fix: Lxpanel will "flash" no more (workaround, removed battery applet from panel,
this applet make lxpanel crash if no battery is found on laptop)
Fix: Added wireless-tools, usbtools, acpid
Fix: Added iwl*-ucode packages (intel wireless cards now working)
Fix: Ath_pci and ath5k conflicts no more (ath5k in blacklist)
Feature: Added Trash support
Feature: Added bluetooth support
Feature: Added "sudo"
Feature: Added "gdb" to help in debugging if crash occurs on LXDE applications
Feature: Added "fuse" and "ntfs-3g"
Feature: Added "rdesktop"
I hope you will enjoy that new release.
Before show you some shots, i would like to attract your attention on a feature i open on openFATE and that is also on the weekly news #88
That features asks to provide LXDE into OSS repo, and to made that installable from DVD media like XFCE.
Please add you vote: Feature Request: #307729: Officially Provide LXDE
Any way, going back to the live, you can download 1.0.0 and 0.9.4 releases from that URL:
MD5 and SHA1 sums are available on that page, a very very BIG thank to Fisher Duan for hosting.
Again please report any issue on my email: andrea[at]opensuse[dot]org
Please notice how “free -m” on lxterminal show that the REAL used ram is just 67MB with the following running applications:
1) Firefox 3.5.2
2) PCManFM
3) Lxterminal
4) Lxtask