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Archive for the ‘lizards.openSUSE.org’ Category

openSUSE and GCC part 4: Pkg-config and what one can do with it

October 28th, 2013 by

When I re-booted my blogging habits with very UN-sexy and technical topic ‘GNU C Compiler and how to make it with openSUSE’. I thought nobody bothers to read these because A) Everyone who reads openSUSE blogs are PRO B) everyone wants to do Javascript, Python or ‘Put your script language here not C. I can tell actually C ain’t that bad you just have to shoot yourself to leg and then learn how to walk again.
Last blog entry was about ‘openSUSE and GCC part 3: RPM devel packages‘ someone (thanks for pointing that out really!) noted that I should fix C-Code example I was stunned! There were someone that really readied blog entry. Okay he/she didn’t say did he/she like it but some one read it.
I have one real reason to this blog-stuff. I hope I have found something like this when I young and I was starting my journey in Linux land. Currently there is so many more people now in populating it and it’s coming up fast. So If you find errors or don’t understand something be welcome to ask or want to know about something specific let me know! Now we get on today’s topic that is ‘pkg-config and what one can do with it’. (more…)

openSUSE and GCC part 3: RPM devel packages

October 22nd, 2013 by

In last blog I explained how to compile application with Gnu C Compiler as knows as ‘gcc‘. In blog I try to explain what are RPM devel packages and how to use them in C-application with ‘gcc‘. (more…)

openSUSE and GCC part 2: compiling ‘Hello World’

October 15th, 2013 by

I really hope you readied last article ‘OpenSUSE and GCC part 1: getting started‘ or you understand basics and you have GCC (Only GNU C Compiler as GCC stands Gnu Compiler Collection) installed. This time we learn how to compile application called ‘Hello World’. It’s so popular application even wikipedia have article about it. (more…)

openSUSE and GCC part 1: getting started

October 7th, 2013 by

I try to explain in this series of blog entries how to install gcc (GNU C-Compiler) and what to do with it. I  also try to explain little make and CMake/Autotools. This is not very generic tutorial because I like to promote openSUSE as coding platform. Most of the tips goes just fine with every distro. For the first words I like to say one thing: openSUSE is excellent platform for C-coding. Though, you can choose your programming language  but this time I like to talk about GCC and specially C-Compiler. I’ll try to how to get there with these writings because I have noticed that this substance is getting less attention that it needs. Also noted that GCC anf GNU is 30 years and I have used it almost 15 so time to share some information. (more…)

3 new virtual party on SecondLife for upcoming openSUSE 12.1

October 3rd, 2011 by

You get an invitation!

Geeko place on SecondLife

Geeko place on SecondLife

Ladies & Gentlemen, months after the first virtual party [1][2][3] organized for 11.4 launch,

Françoise (aka Morgane Marquis) and myself (tigerfoot) organize 3 new parties on SecondLife [4] to welcome and fest our next release openSUSE 12.1, coming around the 11.11.11.

  • Three virtual great Saturday: October 22th, November 12th and December 10th.
  • From 6 to 8am Australian DJ Ariella is back again.
  • From 9 to 11am (SL time : utc-9) we will have the pleasure to listen American DJ Esquivel.

You should take this opportunity to try Second Life, creating an avatar, coming to dance and drinking some beers with us at Geekos Place.

ATI/AMD fglrx 8.861 Catalyst 11.6 available for openSUSE 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, Factory

June 17th, 2011 by

New version of catalyst 11.6 / fglrx 8.861 available


Please refer to my previous article where all the installation procedure is explained.

  • Quick résumé :
  • There’s no full changelog about them, but Catalyst 11.6 installer (pdf)
  • Get the cheat-sheet 11.6 version
  • Kernel supported up to 3.0x version
  • Should be the latest version supporting 11.2
  • Wrong (to my point of view) create an xorg.conf file which is unneeded if you work with /etc/xorg.conf.d/50-device.conf and have driver "fglrx&quot inside


Some instabilities could happen. In case of crash like no keyboard, mouse, and blackscreen on reboot. Try to shutdown properly your computer with the shutdown poweroff button (or remote ssh). On reboot, just add 3 at the end of grub line to restart in console mode.
Then with yast or zypper you can always remove the actual version and try the previous version available in the repos.

All credits to Sebastian Siebert (freespacer) : 11.6 article (German)

What about tumbleweed, factory?

Users have reported that version 8.861 of catalyst 11.6 compile correctly under Tumbleweed with 2.6.39 kernel and the driver is ready for kernel 3.0x, so until xorg change too much and then AMD support for the new version, installing the 11.4 version should work

For factory, I’ve build a repository (see previous article) that can be used, and fglrx build.
The new package are called SUSE121 & no more SUSEFACTORY.

Stats Numbers ?

Month Unique IP Number of visits Pages Hits Bandwidth
Jan 2011 2355 6411 19688 35263 16.63 GB
Feb 2011 2906 7719 26383 41142 22.37 GB
Mar 2011 8055 21157 228494 258613 59.13 GB
Apr 2011 10592 29129 418281 437416 76.87 GB
May 2011 12511 36816 608350 626901 104.91 GB

All proudly served by openSUSE powered server! zypper dup from 11.2 to 11.4 in 45minutes last month

ATI/AMD fglrx 8.850 Catalyst 11.5 available for openSUSE 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, Factory

May 14th, 2011 by

New version of catalyst 11.5 / fglrx 8.850 available

Please refer to my previous article where all the installation procedure is explained.

At least after a wrong 11.4 version, and a first buggy 11.5 catalyst version, the new one is finally build and ready to install from the repo. Like for 11.3 I’ve clean up all previous version which are not xpic, so everybody can easily know which drivers he has to install.
I’ve resigned all rpm with my key. And the tests made show them working.


Some instabilities have been reported. In case of crash like no keyboard, mouse, and blackscreen on reboot. Try to shutdown properly your computer with the shutdown poweroff button. On reboot, just add 3 at the end of grub line to restart in console mode.
Then with yast or zypper you can always try the previous version.

All credits to Sebastian Siebert (freespacer) : 11.5 article

What about tumbleweed, factory?

Users have reported that version 8.850 of catalyst 11.5 compile correctly under Tumbleweed with 2.6.38 kernel and the driver is ready for kernel 2.6.39, so until xorg change too much and then AMD support for the new version, installing the 11.4 version should work

For factory, I’ve build a repository (see previous article) that can be used, and fglrx build

Numbers ?

Month Unique IP Number of visits Pages Hits Bandwidth
Jan 2011 2355 6411 19688 35263 16.63 GB
Feb 2011 2906 7719 26383 41142 22.37 GB
Mar 2011 8055 21157 228494 258613 59.13 GB
Apr 2011 10592 29129 418281 437416 76.87 GB

All served by openSUSE powered server!

Fosscomm 2011 in Patras – Greece

April 25th, 2011 by

Fosscomm 2011

The event will take place in Patras this year. For those of you who don’t know, fosscomm is one of the major foss event in Greece.

I’ll go there and will make a presentation :
Amazing openSUSE : we, you, together a promizing future!

I hope to see all of you there! Come and meet the growing openSUSE Greek community, and most of the Greek ambassadors.

Follow them on Twitter. The official hashtag of FOSSCOMM 2011 is: #fosscomm2011

Official Patras city website

PS: The websites is also available in english 🙂


Title :

Amazing openSUSE
We, you, together a promising future !

Talk Audience

general public, which would like to contribute in FOSS

No special IT knowledge is required.


openSUSE project is open: there’s a place for everybody!

Come and (re)discover one of the oldest Linux distribution and one of the most youngest community.

This talk is about the community powering the whole actual openSUSE Project :

We will overfly openSUSE’s history, and the actual projects like open-build-service, susestudio, tumbleweed, evergreen, connect, openqa, and the near future a word about the openSUSE Foundation.

Follow us deeper inside with examples how collaboration works between contributors, users, across the borders with others distributions and upstream projects.

Want to be part of? Let’s talk about the “right” place for you!


Gnome3 launch party @ Zürich report

April 10th, 2011 by

Gnome3 launch party in Zürich, April 8th 2011

ETHZ building

A group of 20 people met in ETHZ F26.3 room Friday afternoon (3pm to 7pm). To assist the Gnome 3 Launch party. We were expecting more people, but a so sunny weather, and a Monday off in Zürich doesn’t help to keep people inside after a long winter. 🙂

Marcus Moeller showed us a deep overview of the whole Gnome 3 desktop, with the strength and weakness (non yet finished features or controversial ones).

Then there’s some talks about features, what will happen unity/ubuntu/gnome etc …

On my side I did a late presentation about what’s openSUSE project is, and its associated SUPER COOL tools like OBS and susestudio.
It was supposed to last 15 minutes long. I was asked only Tuesday night to do it! But in fact we spend more than half an hour demoing obs and susestudio. Really was cool to do.

openSUSE project presentation

A special thanks to Biju Gopi Thilaka for setting up that party.

Biju Gopi was kind enough to share his slides with us, so keep reading …


Virtual launch party for openSUSE 11.4 : RC1 is done

February 14th, 2011 by

Successfull RC1 launch!

Dear followers, after the official announcement, we test yesterday the place, and check how fun and cool it can be with several attendees.

The danse party Pop/Rock music themed was animated by DJ Yazz (Brittany Haefeli). Starting at 8:30 CEST the party was crowded during it’s 2 hours and a half. More than 50 people came and visit us during that time. Great that was twice what we expected !