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FOSDEM 2010: One week later

February 16th, 2010 by

It is almost one week after the 10th edition FOSDEM (Free Software Developers European Meeting) (http://fosdem.org/2010/) took place in the city of Brussels. As is usual, lots of Free Software developers, promotors and fans attended to the event. Different from other years, this time I had the chance to live on my own the FOSDEM spirit and had the chance to meet some FLOSS supporters from different projects, seeing the almighty improved KDE 4.4 being successfully presented under 640×480 adverse projecting conditions. In addition to this, lots of openSUSE people at the openSUSE booth

For those of you who couldn’t attend to FOSDEM or for those who attended and want to see it again, here some of the videos of the talks are available for download. Additionally, you can visit the official FOSDEM youtube channel, enjoy… and don’t forget: Have a lot of fun

LXDE: Mission (almost) Accomplished

January 15th, 2010 by

Sorry if i missed to inform you since September but i passed a very bad period, (including a breakage of my hand and with my ex-girlfriend), but now i’m definetly better, so here i am to inform you about some wonderful progress.

first of all:

LXDM has been released

exactly, LXDE Desktop Manager has been released and looks to be fully working 🙂

2nd) Upgrades, upgrades and more upgrades

several new package version has been released, including lxappereance, lxmusic, lxpanel and so on.

3rd)  We are going to fix a small not-portable issue due to X-KDE-SubstituteUID

check bugzilla #540627 for more informations, what you want to know any way, is that we fixed .desktop files to allow to run applications as root even outside GNOME or KDE

4th) Factory, factory, factory

LXDE is into openSUSE_Factory now! yes, that means lxde will be installable on 11.3 from OSS repo, and probably from DVD.  I actually submitted lxde pattern request and yast2 pattern icons are already into yast svn. So people.. PLEASE TEST AND REPORT!!


yes people, we have a new opensuse-lxde mailing list now! Please subscribe to opensuse-lxde@opensuse.org for help, support and development… i’m waiting for you!!

6th) Not official support on openSUSE <= 11.1

That’s not my choice but it’s due to gtk changes, because of that X11:lxde will no more take care of failures on suse <= 11.1. new lxde packages requires gtk2 >= 2.16.0 and backport is impossible (see lxappereance for example).

I think that’s all, if not i’ll write a new blog post, but now i must go to my work or i’ll be fired!!


Andrea (your favourite openSUSE-LXDE admin!)

Feed Problems on lizards/spotlight Solved

January 4th, 2010 by

During the last couple of days the feeds used by news readers for both lizards.opensuse.org and spotlight.opensuse.org were broken.  This has been fixed now and I apologize that it took so long due to the christmas break.

If you still encounter problems with invalid feeds, please tell us – best way with a bug report using bugzilla.novell.com against the openSUSE.org project.

Kolab cyrus-imapd inherits from openSUSE base cyrus-imapd

December 3rd, 2009 by

This week kolab became one small step closer to realize feature request 307846: include Kolab in openSUSE. Although it will take lots and lots of more work to achieve this goal at all. The one step closer was realized in cooperation with the openSUSE cyrus-imapd maintainer R. The openSUSE cyrus-imapd spec file in the repository server:mail spec file has been extended with information about kolab, but the actual execution of the information has been switched off. With the Build Service link functionality the package server:mail/cyrus-imapd has been linked to the package server:kolab:UNSTABLE/cyrus-imapd-kolab, where the kolab functionality gets built. This is achieved by activating the variable with_kolab in the project related configuration file:
# osc meta prjconf server:Kolab:UNSTABLE
%define with_kolab 1
%with_kolab 1

See the Build_Service prjconf page in the openSUSE wiki for more information about this awesome functionality. This way the cyrus-imapd-kolab package inherits everything from the openSUSE base cyrus-imapd package.

One drawback for kolab administrators, you have to manually correct the currently installed kolab packages. Start with downgrading cyrus-imapd-kolab (it only downgrades the Build service version and not cyrus-imapd itself):
# zyp in cyrus-imapd-kolab
This will install the dependent package perl-Cyrus-IMAP-kolab instead of perl-Cyrus-IMAP and perl-Cyrus-SIEVE-managesieve-kolab instead of perl-Cyrus-SIEVE-managesieve and it might remove kolab and perl-kolab.

Now reinstall kolab with:
# zyp in kolab
that should be sufficient to be in sync with the repository again. Don’t forget to restart the services, with:
# rckolab restart

This week also showed the power of the build service, as I could install kolab within only some minutes after installing openSUSE-11.2 in Virtualbox, while I never installed openSUSE-11.2 before.

The kolab installation in openSUS-11.2 made some problems visible in kolabconf -n. The latter has been fixed, it was a general problem in kolabconf and did not have anything to do with openSUSE-11.2.

The kolabconf problem however required some debugging, with a resulted spin off that the spamassassin daemon spamd is no longer activated via the startup scripts, but as a library of amavisd instead. That is the way amavisd and spamd have been configured in kolab, but what was not honored in the kolab setup on openSUSE.

Due to the change in the amavisd and spamd deamons, the script kolabsrv has been extended, and can now show a list with services required by kolab and what their current status is (see screenshot):

kolabsrv list and status output

kolabsrv list and status output

The main task of kolabsrv is to convert the openpkg service names to the distribution dependent names.

The kolab project is heading towards a new release 2.2.3 with a planned release date in December 2009.

Sascha released a nice Brain Dump of the Week, giving a nice insight in the possible future of Kolab.

In one of the replies of Sasha’s brain dump, a references was made to project-builder, a project similar to the openSUSE build service. Although the OBS and project-builder may be similar, some people are wondering what the differences (1) and (2) are.

That’s quite a lot of information, but lots of things happened since my last blog entry about Kolab.

PS: many thanks that M. from Novell, who made my Lizards blog account working again. For the most part of this week, I’ve not been able to login to my blog account. After logging in with the correct credentials, I was referred back to the Lizards entry page. M. knows the details, so if this happens to you contact M. from Novell 🙂

openSUSE-LXDE Live CD 1.0.0

September 13th, 2009 by

After lots of test i’m ready to release a new openSUSE-LXDE live CD

Here the change log:

Fix: Lxpanel will "flash" no more (workaround, removed battery applet from panel,
     this applet make lxpanel crash if no battery is found on laptop)
Fix: Added wireless-tools, usbtools, acpid
Fix: Added iwl*-ucode packages (intel wireless cards now working)
Fix: Ath_pci and ath5k conflicts no more (ath5k in blacklist)

Feature: Added Trash support
Feature: Added bluetooth support
Feature: Added "sudo"
Feature: Added "gdb" to help in debugging if crash occurs on LXDE applications
Feature: Added "fuse" and "ntfs-3g"
Feature: Added "rdesktop"

I hope you will enjoy that new release.

Before show you some shots, i would like to attract your attention on a feature i open on openFATE and that is also on the weekly news #88

That features asks to provide LXDE into OSS repo, and to made that installable from DVD media like XFCE.

Please add you vote: Feature Request: #307729: Officially Provide LXDE

Any way, going back to the live, you can download 1.0.0 and 0.9.4 releases from that URL:


MD5 and SHA1 sums are available on that page, a very very BIG thank to  Fisher Duan for hosting.

Again please report any issue on my email: andrea[at]opensuse[dot]org

Please notice how “free -m” on lxterminal show that the REAL used ram is just 67MB with the following running applications:

1) Firefox 3.5.2
2) PCManFM
3) Lxterminal
4) Lxtask

HowTo: Regular cleanup the Tempfolders

July 19th, 2009 by

If you would like to cleanup regularly your System, we presenting the following Steps!


Lydia Pintscher: The Way to Amarok 2.2

July 16th, 2009 by

The following Lines are from Lydia Pintscher, Community Manager from the Amarok Project:

We have been working for a long time on Amarok 2.0 and the whole team was relieved when we finally released it to show what we have been working on and to get feedback from a wider audience. It was a platform release and as such didn’t have all the features Amarok 1.4 had.


Howto: How to create an Userpage

July 2nd, 2009 by

Novell account
First of all, in order to access the forums, build service, features, and bugzilla information a Novell user account must be created.  To create an account visit: https://secure-www.novell.com/selfreg/jsp/createOpenSuseAccount.jsp?target=http://www.opensuse.org and fill out the Form.

After creating a Novell account, you should automatically be logged in and directed to: http://en.opensuse.org/Welcome_to_openSUSE.org.  If you are not automatically logged in, navigate to en.opensuse.org, select “Login” at the top right, and enter your user name and password.

User page
Once you have completed logging in, your user name will be displayed at the top right of the page.
Clicking on your user name will display your user page.  Since you have not edited your page yet, it should be relatively empty.

To edit your user page click on “edit”.  A “Wiki” text entry box will be displayed, allowing you to enter information you would like to share about yourself, such as, your Name, email address, or instant messenger information.

Picture uploading
If you would like to add a picture of yourself, navigate to http://en.opensuse.org/Special:Upload and select a file you wish to upload.  Take note of the statement:

“To include the image in a page, use a link in the form [[Image:file.jpg]], [[Image:file.png|alt text]] or [[Media:file.ogg]] for directly linking to the file.”

This statement describes how to link/bind the freshly uploaded picture to your user page.

Bind your picture to your page by navigating back to your user page and clicking edit.  Click the “Embedded Image” icon.  If you are not sure which icon is the “Embedded Image” icon, hover your mouse over the various icons to display a description of each.

Once you have clicked the correct icon, the text: [[Image:file.jpg]] will be displayed in the “Wiki” text box.  change the file name to the name of the picture you just uploaded.

Click Show preview to see a preview of your changes or Save page to commit the changes to your user page.

Call for Contribution: OpenSUSE Weekly News

June 19th, 2009 by

Since 77 Issues the Weekly News Team published the News. The News are translated to many Languages. But why i made an Call for Contribution?
If we check Planetsuse or Lizards, we can see, that mostly the Blogger are the same. Our Goal as Weekly News Team is it, to make our Publication interesting. So we need more Blogger. If you have an own Blog, we would like to motivate you, to blog. You can write about interesting Features or Tips and Tricks, or new things, you have learned. You can tell us, what you like at the Project, or what you doesn’t like. You can give Proposals or other Stuff. We need you as Author.

Then i’d like to go to the next Point: Feedback.
Sebastian one of our Teammates has created an Poll with the Question: “How are the Weekly News”? You can find it there: http://forums.opensuse.org/surveys-polls/416228-how-opensuse-news.html. Please let us know, how are the Weekly News in YOUR View. Please use also the Comment-Function for leave a Feedback. You can also use an Mail to: saigkill@opensuse.org.

If you are can’t Blog, so you can send us interesting Blogs or Posts, that you’ve found. Only through your Contribution we can make the Weekly News better and more interesting.

We want you!!!

OBS-Education Questions specific to openSUSE Education development, bugs, enhancements, etc.

June 15th, 2009 by

Please take a look at the new forum for the opensuse-edu project.


Hopefully the start of a lot more communication and growth!