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Archive for the ‘Events’ Category

Gold Master release is starting in 5 minutes

November 12th, 2011 by

As you all knows, our great party on Second life, celebrating openSUSE 12.1 Gold master release is starting in 5 minutes on Second Life.

Be there : rendez-vous at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/ama%20gi/139/50/21

Just copy & paste the url, for a direct teleportation in our Geeko Place, once you are in SL 😀

3 new virtual party on SecondLife for upcoming openSUSE 12.1

October 3rd, 2011 by

You get an invitation!

Geeko place on SecondLife

Geeko place on SecondLife

Ladies & Gentlemen, months after the first virtual party [1][2][3] organized for 11.4 launch,

Françoise (aka Morgane Marquis) and myself (tigerfoot) organize 3 new parties on SecondLife [4] to welcome and fest our next release openSUSE 12.1, coming around the 11.11.11.

  • Three virtual great Saturday: October 22th, November 12th and December 10th.
  • From 6 to 8am Australian DJ Ariella is back again.
  • From 9 to 11am (SL time : utc-9) we will have the pleasure to listen American DJ Esquivel.

You should take this opportunity to try Second Life, creating an avatar, coming to dance and drinking some beers with us at Geekos Place.

osc11 slides and screen cast workshop kvm/libvirtd

September 19th, 2011 by

Just a quick note, my slides and screen cast about my recent openSUSE conference workshop about KVM/libvirtd are online at http://goo.gl/fQfql
Check at material subject

Education at OSC

September 18th, 2011 by

Even if the last news from the Education project is just one month old, many people asked me during the openSUSE Conference why the Education project itself is currently so quiet.

Well, the “problem” is, that our Education team is currently more a team of technical specialists and many work is done behind the scenes without communication to “the outside”. So even if you did not hear from us for some weeks, we are still alive and coding!

Here are just a few examples, that are going on behind the scenes:

  • Translation of the new openSUSE Education Portal is work in progress. Many thanks to our contributors Guillaume for the Français, Freek de Kruijf for the Nederlands, Sabarth for the Português, Gankov for the Русский (Russian) Portal translation!
  • Kirill is currently reviewing all 425(!) packages in the Build Service Education project and submitting them to openSUSE Factory afterwards – so openSUSE 12.1 will come with a huge set of packages directly inside the official repository.
  • Cyberorg is working on the next release of the openSUSE Edu Li-f-e DVD with the LTSP integration.
  • Anubusg1 and many others (the project currently lists 44 maintainers) are doing the “normal” packaging stuff like upgrading and fixing packages for 12.1 (aka Factory)

The Desktop4Education project from Austria was again present at the Conference and gave a great overview of the current status of the project during their talk. Good to hear that the project is being frequently used as a reference case by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture and as such promoted by them throughout Austria.

Talking with Andre Massing from the Simula Research Laboratory during his talk at the conference was quite interesting. Looks like the Science project might see some very interesting new packages in the next months. During the discussion, we agree that the Education and the Science project can share a lot of efforts in their project setups and organization. But they will stay separated (at least in the Build Service) as their audience is very different, even if they share some packages (which is currently done via links inside the Build Service).

ATI/AMD flgrx : status of the helping pledge

September 1st, 2011 by

Dear users of fglrx drivers (pre-packaged or .run installer)
On 19th August I’ve opened a pledge see this article, and I’m give you today a refresh status :
Click here to lend your support to: Funding ATI-AMD fglrx packager Sebastian Siebert and make a donation at www.pledgie.com !

I personally already thanks of the actual donors. You rocks !
We are almost done at today, but almost is not done 🙂

So if you can spread the word a bit more, that’s would be really cool. My objective is been able to give the money back to Sebastian Siebert during our openSUSE conference. And so create a kind of ceremonial.

Can I count on you ?


openSUSE Conference 2011 Schedule Available

August 17th, 2011 by

Its quite some work to get to a reasonable schedule for a FOSS conference done. You want a balanced program with topics where all visitors can find their interests in. Moreover the level of the talks must be taken care of as well as there should be gravitation centers for key topics within the community. As you usually also seek out for new community members with a conference, some topics which attract new people are also a very good idea. And all that needs to be sorted between rooms with different sizes, the times people can be around, the tracks you think are useful on the event and such. Quite some parameters to take into account.

That said, I am very happy that we could issue the schedule for the openSUSE Conference 2011 today.

For conference organization there is tooling. Or should I say: Should be? Given the huge amount of FOSS conferences around, the number of free alternatives of conference organization systems is fairly small. We decided to go again with Indico, a python based system developed by CERN. It provides support for the whole conference life cycle such as the call for abstracts, the internal judging process, the scheduling and such. With nice help from the developers we got it running smoothly and integrated. Sometimes the interface is not really straightforward, but finally its a very feature rich yet flexible tool that feels like it has managed some large (CERN) conferences already.

For the openSUSE conference 102 contributions were scheduled into four rooms in four days, so it will be quite a exhausting event :-). Unfortunately we still had to reject quite some submissions as the program is stuffed already. Please bear with us.

This year we are really happy to have a joint event with the former SUSE Labs Conference for the first time. That not only brings a lot of high potential speaker to the event, but also much more low level topics around kernel, gcc and such. I think we lacked that a bit at the last conference. Also cool that Greg KH, well known kernel hacker, will enlighten us with a keynote.

Beside the low level topics, we will hear a lot about community affairs, such as social skills for geeks or impressions from our ambassadors work. Another big block is around packaging and the organization and management of openSUSE Factory, our next stable distribution. Some knowledge sharing is always appreciated, I personally look forward to “Working Effectively with GIT” as I am still dreaming of svn in the nights 😉 And what we need to continue to grow our identity as openSUSE project are contributions around our setup and the relationship to SUSE, the commercial offering of SUSE and the importance of openSUSE in that. Michael Miller, SUSE Vice President of Global Alliances & Marketing, will give a keynote here, and there are other talks in that space.

The motto of osc2011 is rwx³ which is a synonym of the idea of interactivity and creativity on the conference. That is a success already as more than the half of the contributions to the conference are BoFs, Workshops or hacking sessions. You do not have to fear to fall asleep in lengthy talks instead you will do stuff 😉

And finally there is the venue. If you have been to the conference last year I need to say its different this year. Nobody will serve you Coke, instead with Zentrifuge you are at a place where usually artists work and do exhibitions. This spirit of hands-on work quickly jumped over on us as the orga team and we are sure that spirit is good for openSUSE 🙂

I hope you have registered for oSC 2011 already….
openSUSE Conference 2011: All openSUSE- and Free Software enthusiasts are invited to come together at this conference to learn, hack and have a lot of fun.

Desktop Summit Berlin 2011 – Report

August 15th, 2011 by

Desktop Summit

Last minute team

Monday before Desktop Summit, I’ve just learned that we (as openSUSE/SUSE) will not have the SuseStudio kiosk.
Too bad, but Wednesday, I finally get confirmation from my customer, that the new hardware will not be delivered before Friday 12th. Ah ah good news. I will be able to go to Berlin. So I bought the last airplane ticket for Friday afternoon, and also the last bed at good price.

I will be a Berliner for a few days! And fill the blanks to maintain our booth up and welcoming

Somethings has to be done? sometimes has been done!


Volunteers needed!

July 29th, 2011 by
Brave enough?

Volunteers needed!

As you know, the third international openSUSE Conference is happening in a couple of weeks. You already should be registered. For the organization teams that means they are really coming onto speed now and it starts to feel dizzy.

We had a couple of public meetings which resulted in a nice list of stuff to do, like organizing hardware for the venue, set up internet, foods and drinks and so on. This is all done by community members and open for your help. If you want to help, you’re more than welcome to contribute to the conferences success. A good start is to subscribe to the mailinglist opensuse-conference@opensuse.org .

If you prefer to give a hand during the conference days, also great, we are looking for volunteers. Many hands are needed to get the event going and it would be good if we could share the work so that it’s more fun for everybody.

Please go through the list on the volunteers page and find where you could jump in and help. Simply add your name or nick into the list where you feel comfortable to help.

Thanks a lot!

Aux armes citoyens! Et cetera

June 19th, 2011 by

This post is for the openSUSE Members!

Whatever your opinion, just vote

Freedom and Democracy

Well, I think I have to explain that french title…

Nah, let’s not bother and move on 😀

Part of democracy is that if you don’t cast your ballot you have no influence! So don’t let others decide for you, when you can act!

Members, we need your vote!

We’re almost 500 members, and this message is for you.
Our freedom to choose our direction and control our project as we wish works only when we vote. As in real world democracies, not voting gets you nowhere.

So why this reminder?

Because : I want you to vote!

  • First you read the stategy document (it’s really quickly done)
  • Think about it (Well, you have 10 days left for that)
  • Take a decision : Can you support that strategy?

    1. If 50% of your neurons +1 agree : vote yes
    2. if not : vote no
    3. if you really don’t know : vote I don’t know/care.
  • Connect to connect.opensuse.org and cast your vote.

What we need here is to send a strong signal that 99% of our members are alive and care about our project.
Otherwise, why would we bothered to become members, and keep that status, if not to infuence?


Why not add this signature to your mails you use on ML and/or forums?

The openSUSE Strategy, I've casted my vote! And you? http://bit.ly/iB2Dzh


Oh come on, I really hope that you’ve acted before reading this line 😉

Dead line is 29 June

Links related

[1] Aux armes citoyens : La Marseillaise
[2] etc the singing version by Serge Gainsbourg
[3] Cast your vote connect poll
[4] Article on news.o.o

Bee Keeping: Catch a Swarm

June 6th, 2011 by

Quite off topic, but for those of you who are interested in bee keeping as I am I for once like to share a video that we were able to create on a sunny sunday morning recently:

It shows the activity of catching a bee swarm that has been going out of the bee hive before. Swarming is natural behaviour of bees for reproduction. In early summer the bees create a new queen and as it is emerging, the old queen is swarming out of the hive looking for a new home. One form of the old and meaningful circle of reproduction.

A bee swarm is a very impressive event, the clip might give you an impression. And as our seven year old son was brave enough to take this movie, I thought it is worth sharing. Bee keeping is a family virus 🙂